Time's Party

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: This chapter, er-, may be long... But hope you enjoy it!

"Time is a he?"


"Yes. Time is a man."

Scarlet's brows were still furrowed with confusion as I walked into the bathroom to get ready for the night. I walked out, surprised, to see Scarlet fast asleep on the bed with her breathing causing herself to move up and down. She looked like a little angel. Oh stop it you idiot.

There were two beds in the room, separated by a table lamp, but I laid down beside Scarlet. Gently wrapping one arm beside her, she cuddled into my chest then slept again. "I love you, Little-Wolf-Pup."

I didn't notice her waking up, and kissing my jawline sweetly. Then, finally, went to sleep.


As the sunshine kept on forcing me to wake up, I stubbornly rose from the bed and groaned. Standing by the window was Scarlet, holding a fresh warm mug of coffee. " 'Morning, Sev." she greeted, handing me another mug. I sipped on it quietly watching the witch walk to the closet, and throw me my robes. "It's 9, darling. The diner's about to close."

"You didn't wake me up!" I exclaimed, rushing to the bathroom. I could hear Scarlet's chuckle at the back of the door.

The warm water showered all over me, as I began to hum a tune (is it bad I want to hear that so badly?). I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a blanket over my waist when I realized my robes were outside. "Scarlet -!" I yelled, "I don't know where your robes are!" she yelled back, knowing what I was about to say. "Dang it their in the cabinet." I grunted, walking out without warning. The cold breeze of the room greeted my bare chest, as Scarlet's eyes widened, and she banged her head against the wall repeatedly with a thud. "Why. Am. I. Letting. Myself. See. This." she repeated, as I smiled amusingly. I put on my clothes, then tapped her shoulder. "You can give your head a break now."

"Phew...." she whispered to herself with relief. "Wait... Why is Time's name Time?" she asked curiously. I brought out my black watch, and showed her the look of it behind/under. "You see this?" she nodded her head. TIME was written along the gold. "Time's great great great great grandfather invented the time-turner (I JUST MADE THIS UP GUYS, RIGHTS BELONG TO JKR)


"Scarlet! 30 minutes to 7!" I shouted behind the door, as Scarlet was getting ready by the other side. "How do I look?" she asked, stepping out, wearing the elegant black dress I bought her. My mouth was on the floor & I was completely speechless. She... she looked more than beautiful. "I know hideous," she muttered playfully to herself, when my head snapped at her. "Who said you were hideous?! If someone tells you that at the party, they're going to be punched across the face with my fist."

She looked at me in a weird way, then caressed my face. "So, Professor Felixa was right." she whispered. 


"When we were fighting a couple of months ago.... She came to me... And said you love differently from other men. You only love one. Not two, nor three, just the one and only."

"Scarlet, a woman like you never deserves to be cheated on. Remember that."

"Wait... You tied it back!" Scarlet later exclaimed with excitement, as she must've noticed my hair. It was currently tied back neatly, being held by a short black ribbon, that almost seemed invisible. "So?" I asked confusingly, arching an eyebrow.

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