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And finally (& dreadfully) Christmas was the date today. December 25th -this year- has got to be the coldest day ever since, that I only stayed indoors. Scarlet, however, grabbed her one & only Christmas cloak, playing in the snow for a few hours with Mr. Smith during 3 in the morning.

I woke up, groaning in annoyance, and realized Scarlet was in the room. "Morning, Sev" she greeted, kissing me by the cheek... I frowned. "Oh, I'm not doing any of your requests where again. I already did yesterday!" she exclaimed playfully, then walked outside as her owl followed her. Her hair was curlier than usual, which was a really rare & lovely view. I stepped into my usual clothing, and walked with Scarlet to the Great Hall. We separated ways, with me to the staff's while Scarlet in Gryffindor. I couldn't even stiffen a laugh as I watched Mr. Smith learning about the reproducing thing, and wouldn't stop teasing her. Me and Flora had a little chat about what she heard when Scarlet visited Miss Granger.

"Well... I heard she asked Hermione on what she saw the day when the chains of Incendium fell on her. Hermione answered it was Raven who passed by the room with a worried face."

I gave a confused look, and nodded my head. Later, I talked to Scarlet, and she apologized about still thinking about who tried to kill her, but she couldn't resist it, after all, Raven did seem the type. "What were you talking about with the other witches?" I asked curiously, changing the topic. "Oh you know. Talking about their boyfriends as usual, that they so call them: Prince Charming's. Bleh. Honestly, their all love-sick. With the mistletoes and all. Well, if they have a Prince Charming, I believe I have a Half-Blood Prince." she said, I believe, intending it was a joke.

"And right you are."

Her eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed rose red. "Severus!" Minerva's voice called out. I turned around and sighed heavily. "Oh stop it. Besides, Christmas isn't over yet." Scarlet whispered in my ear, then unexpectedly kissed my lips once. I felt weak again, and tried to walk in a straight line towards the Headmistress as the little witch giggled.

A smirk stretched upon my face as I watched Severus walk towards Professor McGonagall. "Merry Christmas, Scarlet!" a familiar voice greeted behind me. I turned around and smiled even more. "Samkil Patrick, right? Merry Christmas, Sam!" I exclaimed happily with a bit of laughter. We later sat by a nearby bench and hot cocoa mugs in our hands. "How's life?" she asked, while the charmed snowmen came to life.

"So far, quite weird, really. You?"

"Well, I don't really know..." she sipped her mug once more then opened her mouth to speak when snow started falling down. Multiple snowflakes made their way to the tip of my nose, that I have to shake it off as my mug was held protectively in my hands. "I heard of what's been happening to you. I wish I can help. Aren't you leaving for New York?"

"It's alright. And, yes, I'm going to New York. But I'm not travelling, just a mission, really."

Sam became more interested as I mentioned the word 'mission' and we had a chat for hours. Did I actually mention anything about this witch? No? Well, she's a Hufflepuff! Her black and yellow scarf danced in the wind with mine as we stood up and walked around. We're in the same year currently.

We regretfully came across Xander and Elise kissing under the mistletoe, which we both reacted with disgust. We both walked back to Hogwarts when Sam snapped like she remembered something. "Now I remember! Hermione found something!" Sam said, and held out a necklace.

It was what Professor Jones was wearing during my Quidditch practice, and it wasn't glowing like before. When Ivan chased me.

"Isn't that Professor Jones'? Why would Hermione's hands hold onto it?" I asked, scanning the necklace. "She ordered a house-elf. But what did Jones tell you during that time after that chase?"

"That it was her grandmothers? Then passed to her's. She hated dragons, which the necklace was a dread."



"Oops, sorry. Hermione had a small talk with me. But isn't it quite obvious?"

"That Jones is trying to kill ?-"

"What are you two talking about?"

Oh no.

Professor Jones stood behind me, with her arms crossed on her chest. She arched an eyebrow at Sam, as we both looked at her sheepishly. "You two are up to something. Besides, what would a useless Hufflepuff like you, will be talking with a insufferable Gryffindor? Shame if you couldn't share a piece of gossip?"

My eyes were flaming purple dangerously. Jones was still the woman who hated me and called my mother a freak. "I don't have any intention of being rude, Professor Jones, but we Hufflepuffs aren't useless. Just because you're in Slytherin doesn't mean that you serpents are the greatest on earth." Sam said... Wow. "And then how would you two feel after 3 months of detention? Don't forget. I have the power."

"I don't give a damn to how many detentions I get, Professor. Our houses can be better than your's. So know where your boundaries are." Sam added, grabbed my shoulder, and led us both back to the castle.

"You should've let me handle that."

"I can take her down, myself, thanks. But really. Keep an eye for her. She seems suspicous," she whispered. I nodded my head, and we both split up to go to our common rooms.

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu