Prove You're Not A Coward

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-Wow long chapter title.-


After a few days... Then weeks... Then months...

It was nearly Christmas.

The snow upon the school of Witchcraft & Wizardry felt like  a pillow that you can fall into safely. Two footsteps can be seen, following Xander and Scarlet, who were continuing that conversation about that vampire, werewolf, zombie, and human, that seemed to be the cause of why they ended up outside without coats. "But like seriously! What if the vampire bit a werewolf, then the werewolf bit a zombie, then that zombie bit a wizard! That's all I've been asking!" Xander exclaimed, not bothering the cold wind dancing on his bare skin. "Well, it would create something dangerous I guess. What would you call it?" Scarlet replied, the only witch who can understand her best friend's personality. "Maybe a vam...wolf...bie? Zamwolfbie I guess. Just imagine how you could combine all of them into one body." he shivered at the image.

"Let's head back. I'm bored."


As both reached the castle, four witches suddenly approached them. "Scarlet Carter, right?" the girl with black hair asked. "Yeah, why?" she answered as curiousness rised inside her. "It's Professor Snape."

"And why did you approached me?" she asked. "Well, we need to pass our essays today... And you basically share chambers with him. Besides, we heard from Professor Felixa." a girl with chocolate brown hair that reminded her of Uncle James. "I'm Lebby. Lebby Rinth." said another beautiful witch with the brown and black-ish. "I'm Roberts, by the way. Halany Roberts." the girl with light chesnut and blonde hair spoke. "I'm Serena Lily. Trust me, my last name is embarassing as it is." told the witch with jet black curly hair & black eyes. "And I'm Samkil Patrick. They call me Sam." said the last witch with short hair, blue eyes.

"And would do I have to do about it?" Scarlet asked confusingly. The four witches stared at each other with a face of worry. "Come on.... tell me." she pleaded. "H-He's.... been poisoned."

. . .

Within a second, Scarlet was racing to the Hospital Wing as her heart beat pounded faster than it have ever been before. "Scarlet, wait! Oh never the damn mind." Xander shouted trying to catch up with her. After she had finally arrived at the front doors, she quickly sneaked in. She saw Professor Felixa with a worried look & was wrapping her arms around her stomach which seemed to be a habit of her's usually. Meanwhile, lying down on a bed beside her, was none other than her potions Professor. He finally woke up after a hour of being treated by Madame Pomfrey, which, speaking of her, was very annoyed when Severus kept on groaning: "f-fetch... Sc-Scarlet C-Carter... N-Now.....

"Professor Snape?" Scarlet said in a shy tone. "Oh thank goodness!" Felixa cried happily, and pulled the witch towards the bed. "I-I heard you've been... poisoned?" she asked like a shy and worried tone combined. "Unfortunately, yes." the professor replied. "Where are you going, Professor Felixa?" Scarlet asked referring to the teacher who was now walking out of the clinic. "You need to talk to your professor, Scarlet, dear. He wanted to discuss you about something in secret."

As the door closed, Severus rolled his eyes. He suddenly leaned towards her, when she raised her hand to stop him. "Muffliato" she whispered quietly so the two can have the conversation. "And where did you read that?" he asked arching an eyebrow at her. "Um... I may not have read the Prince's book..?" she replied in a question type of way.

"This isn't an accident, Scarlet. We need to stop these happenings."

"Severus, you think I haven't noticed? First, me, then the other four who were babysitting Fawkes, Lyanna, and now you! This is stupid! Everybody is getting hurt... and it's because of me!" 

Scarlet covered her face with her hands, as she tried so hard not to break down in any moment. "I know you've been strong for too long darling. And... maybe these things are just normal -"

"Normal?! This isn't normal, Sev! At the end of the year, maybe someone's life is gonna be killed, and it's all because of me! It isn't normal that you're trying to be hunted down. Even I'm not normal! The war has just finished. And I'm not allowing another one again!"

"Scarlet... This isn't about who's or what's normal, and not. What matter's is how we can stop these people. You're not the only one who's life is like your's."

"Please... Just... I can't. I can't do this anymore!"

"Yes, you can.  Or are you proving yourself a coward?" Severus asked. He didn't want the love of his life to go through this.

"I-I'm not a coward...."

"Then prove it. This isn't the place to have such conversation. Please call Poppy. I need to get off this bed. We need to discuss this in my chambers. Now, wipe your tears away, & let's go shall we, darling?"


Hi guys! Sorry if this chapter isn't good or long enough. But don't worry, I'll make a way of updating  a little more early or something.  So, how is your vacation so far? I hope you're enjoying it. I'll TRY  to update tomorrow... or maybe the day after, but please don't stop reading (But it's your choice, I'm not forcing you guys)! Don't be afraid to ask questions or maybe a request, & I hope I can reply to it as soon as possible! Comments always make my day! 


Notice the witches mentioned earlier? Those were actually some readers of the story!

Serena Lily - Snape3456

Lebby Rinth -  The_omen_labyrinth - Laby (Lebby) Rinth 

Halany Roberts  - Always_Snivellus - Hugh Alan Johnny Roberts (I know, I'm a bad name inventor)

Samkil Patrick - Prongs211 -  I'm sorry but I can't use real names!



I'm using a laptop rn btw :D so yeah.


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