Just Like Padfoot

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I was walking down to the Great Hall thinking about Scarlet, when I bumped into Raven. Merlin, this is not what I planned. "Severus!" she exclaimed happily, I tried to at least look joyful, unfortunately, I'd rate it a -10. "Come, we can walk to the Great Hall together! I haven't found my way around."

"Raven, you've studied here."

"Severus, it's been 20 years!"

I deeply sighed and walked with her, my hands held by my back. When we arrive at the Great Hall, I prayed that I can sit far from her, but sometimes, life isn't fair, isn't it?

There were only 2 seats next to Minerva. I sat down quietly, when I realized Scarlet was almost finished eating. I caught her eye, and winked at her, making the little witch giggle.

Raven furrowed her brows as she saw Severus making eye contact with Scarlet, and tapped his shoulder. She attempted to distract him the whole morning, which was the reason why Scarlet's mood changed quickly, and you know what that mood is. "Hey, didn't McGonagall said Professsor Jones was going to teach next year? Why is the goth living here?" Xander asked, she looked at him with a I-don't-know-either expression.

They all got up for class, when Raven whispered something into McGonagall's ear. It made the Headmistress sigh and nod. Felixa, on the other hand, eyed Raven cautiously to, what was with the witch? But she had a class to teach, and hurried to her classroom. Since Scarlet's last subject was Potions, she had her mind off things. Charms was the first class, where Flitwick bursted out of the door.

"Good morning, class!" he squeaked with glee. "Good morning, Professor Flitwick." the students chanted and brought out their wands. "On behalf of your DADA, you will learn a new spell... Or rather a curse! I must warn you that is very dangerous too! It is the cutting curse! Can anyone tell me what this curse does?"

Scarlet's hand shot up to the air. "Ah, miss Carter, yes -"

But before Flitwick can finish his sentence, the doors burst open. "I can teach them."

It was none other than Professor Jones.

She stood in front of the students, making them all confused. Wasn't this supposed to be charms? "The cutting curse, also known as Sectumsepra, is a very dangerous curse, below the level of the 3 Unforgivable Curses. But must know the 3 curses, of course! The Cutting Curse cuts the victim violently and can be healed by the spell Episkey."

Everybody looked at each other with a worried look. "Raven, I think it's better if I taught them -"

"Nonsense! After all, isn't this associated with DADA? Students fall in line please!"

Everybody got up, and pushed their tables aside. Jones flicked her wand, and a model of a man appeared. He looked more of a wooden Death Eater type, and had his own wand. "In the count of three, I'd like the person in front to cast Sectumsepra. Please do this with caution, since the curse may backfire."


"Mr. Vaddlesprout! How about you go first, darling!"

A boy with short blond hair stepped up nervously. He raised his wand, but he wouldn't stop shivering. "S-S-Sectumsepra!" A weak white light bolted out of his wand, but it hardly injured the model. "I need to talk to you later, Mr. Vaddlesprout. Ms. Roberts!"

They didn't notice Professor Flitwick furiously stomping out, and slamming the door. "One... Two... Three!"
"Sectumpsepra!" Lyanna shouted, the curse hit the model, but it only made a medium-sized cut. "Very well."

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora