The Lunatic Duo

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     Sev suddenly linked his arm around mine and we both vanished in a pop. The men disappeared & the feeling of being cramped into a tube occurred to me again, luckily this time, I didn't throw up again. We arrived in our hotel room with ourselves panting heavily. "How did you- Severus!" I exclaimed, at Sev's PURPLE right eyelid. "It's nothing... I just-"
"Oh goodness lord..." I whispered to myself slowly walking towards him. He must've hit his eye along the Apparition. The man backed away until he landed onto the bed. I didn't stop looking into his eyes and placed my hand to close his eye. It was very weird for a normal witch to do that. But I'm not normal remember? My flames somehow made my hand glow purple then faded away as I took my hand to reveal his face.

"Did you just... Heal me?"

     I did. I read this in a book about my kind. It's pretty hard to do, but I trained myself right after Snidget sometimes comes home with a broken wing. I didn't answer his question & kissed him in the cheek instead. I left him dumbstruck as I walked to the bathroom then changed into my nightwear. I crossed my legs, sitting on the bed, watching Severus touch his eye while he looked into a mirror. "I healed you, darling. It isn't an illusion."

     "T-Thank you..." he said then placed the mirror down. "But why is the location given to me at the exact of Empire State Building? They couldn't be inside, are they?" I asked confusingly, twirling & curling my hair. Sev seemed to be distracted while he stared at me for a moment, then opened his mouth to speak. "The Duo's tent is by the dark alley way. I asked Rudolf." I bit my lip nervously. Is it a good time?



     "I... Well... I'm really sorry if I keep on repeating this... But Sev, once you're in my situation, there's no chance of stepping back. I love you, and you need to go once the real fight has started. I... I just want you to be safe. They're using people I care about to hurt me, and you're the most I care about. I don't want you to sacrifice your life for me... Please."

     "Scarlet, how many times do I have to tell you? We're sticking together through thick and thin, and that's the plan. I know if I sacrifice my own life it'll be worth it. Trust me."

     I looked down & nodded my head. I can't stop him. Sev is a man you can't outsmart. "You're act quite different from the classroom to me." I said randomly, that he chuckled by surprise. "I am, aren't I?" he replied as he slowly took of the ribbon tying his hair. "It's weird. Can't you be sweet and kind out of your chambers as well?" I joked. "No. Those dunderheads don't know the first thing about Potions, so they get what they deserve."

     "Well, if it isn't for the stupid instructions our textbooks say. You should publish your own book about Potions. By the Prince?"

"That isn't happening."

     "Alright" I surrendered, dropping to the bed. He stood up & laid down beside me, playing with my own hair as I levitated a small feather. I remembered Snidget's at Hogwarts. I guess he must be enjoying himself right now. "So, when are we visiting the Duo?"

(Sorry, tabs don't exist here in my laptop when I use wattpad.)

As Severus' watch ticked 7 in the evening, we both wore our cloaks and headed for the Duo's tent. It was strangely odd. For what I knew, New York's sunset starts at around maybe 8, but maybe due to the happenings, the sun has come to hide as well. Muggles stared at us confusingly while my hood covered my face. We took a right turn, and at the end of the dark alley, was a lit tent.

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