You Were There All Along

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Scarlet walked back to Severus -and her- chambers with a shrug upon her shoulders. She felt tired due to all of the homework given, since all of the professors have to rush with the holidays coming, plus the fact that this year got a bit harder. She entered inside, and saw Severus, standing in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back. "Scarlet... Me and Minerva had a talk earlier......"

Scarlet raised an eyebrow, and tilted her head. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry but.... We're through."

And no. It's not another nightmare.

"What?!" Scarlet's tears quickly streamed down her face, when Severus grabbed her.

He crashed their lips together, and took advantage to slid a tear inside the bottle. "I'mSoSorryIJustNeededATear. ILoveYouAndYouOnly. PleaseForgiveMe. ILoveYouSoMuch, IWasJustPretending." he blurted out all at once as he pulled away. (Did I scare ya guys? No... Oh... Okay.)

"You do know you can just tell me to cry." Scarlet sniffed, as she wiped her face.

"Trust me, darling. I've grown the hard way."

"What are the tears for?" she asked. Severus held her hand, and pulled her towards a weird-bowl-type-thingy as what Scarlet thought. "Is that a...?"

"Pensieve. Yes. I need you to come with me. I have both of our tears... And I believe this should work."

Everything was happening so quickly. What in the world was happening? As Severus poured the tears into the Pensieve, he nodded his head towards Scarlet. She nodded back and held her breath . Once her head was dipped inside the bowl, her world seemed to fade away.

She stood up, to see she was in Spinners End.

A 10-year-old girl in a turqiouse dress was crying uncontrollably upon her door step. Now, a man can be seen walking out of his house. He was very disturbed with the sniffing and sobbing, that he had no choice but to stop it himself. "Miss Carter?" his voice asked gently. The girl named Carter looked up, to see a man dressed in black. She slowly backed away, as she held her teddy bear in her arms. "Please.... Don't... Hurt... Me..." she whimpered, making the man rolled his eyes playfully. "I won't... I'm Severus Snape."

He smiled at her 'truly', and arched an eyebrow.

The real Severus was smiling like the one in the memory. Just like it. The real Scarlet's eyes snapped towards him, and he sighed. "I'll explain afterwards."

The memories went inside the 21st house of Spinner's End.

Scarlet and Severus followed their younger selves, and watched as the two had a conversation. "Why don't I remember this?"

"What do you want?" the girl asked, wiping a tear. "You're name is Scarlet, am I correct?" Severus asked gently. She nodded her head, and hugged her teddy bear tighter. "But, may I ask, why are you crying at the front of your doorstep?" the scary man named Severus asked. Scarlet hesitated to answer, but ended up sighing. "My... 'Bestfriend'. He betrayed me." Severus was taken aback with her words as he heard the BESTFRIEND. He shook the thought off, and took Scarlet's hand, who was really confused. "Take me to him. I'd like to have a chat, with your 'bestfriend'." he told her. Scarlet stood up, and walked with the man, as she dragged her Teddy Bear alongside of the road that made it dirty enough as a rag

They stopped at the opposite house, and Scarlet gestured it was that one. Severus sighed, then went up. He rang the doorbell, and the door revealed a boy Scarlet's age.

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now