A Little Piece Of Information

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"You're acting weirder than before, Scarlet. So please calm the fuck down." said Xander, who was very worried of his best friend's actions. "Xander... Snape won't believe me! And I know, Jones is trying to kill me! That night when I was being kidnapped, she wasn't there! During the Quidditch Match, she was controlling the Hebridean Black! Those chains... She must've made them, then left quickly when the others came! Didn't you hear how her expression was like? And then when we were watching Fawkes, she must've ordered her men to get me where I'm not at Hogwarts! Plus, maybe one of her men thought I was in the common room, so he accidentally attacked Lyanna mistaking it was me! It all fits now. She's been trying to kill me ever since day one! How could've I been so foolish!" she cried out, putting both hands over her head and sinking to the floor. They were both in front of the fireplace. Xander stood up from his chair, knelt down, and hugged his best friend... A very rare thing of what guy best friends do.

"I-It's alright, Scarlet. It's Christmas. You should be acting like the girl I knew ever since Year 1? Remember?" Xander chuckled as the memory came to him "when you actually calmed me down when I was so nervous during the Sorting Ceremony, before no one can ever calm me down."

"Don't stop with the pranks, Xander. Don't stop." whispered Scarlet in his ear, as the sound of the fireplace's crackling filled the room.


"And what am I supposed to do with you?" Scarlet asked her owl, Snidget, who was innocently hooting by the window.

Snidget was covered in mud, that he had to stay at the outer window frame. "Please? Snape wouldn't let me in!" exclaimed the owl, trying to find the best reason why. Scarlet sighed,  waved her hand over him, and with her powers, he was as good as new. "Next time, you'll actually take a bath. Severus will kill me." Scarlet said walking to their room. She came in and saw Severus reading a book. He looked up, and quickly placed the book behind him suspiciously. "I saw you were reading something. What is it?"


Using her powers again, she snapped her fingers and the book came flying towards her hand. "Dang it!" Sev whisper-shouted, as Scarlet's eyes widened. "You. Kept. My. JOURNAL?" she asked CALMLY, and opening the pages. "You left it behind when I asked you what you wanted to be once you've grown up."

"So that's where this little rascal went... wait, and did you write on it?"

He did. Sweet little messages were written along the pages, about how much he loved her. "I love you."

Her head snapped up and after a long time, she finally smiled, not by force, but truly and happily. "And I love you too."


Christmas this year somehow became more exciting than last year. Xander and Scarlet were behind a bush, holding something very important that it had to do something with the code name Cupid's Arrow. As couples holding hands and linking arms started walking past, it was time for a little Christmas magic . Xander was holding a mistletoe, and Scarlet would levitate it above the unsuspecting victims. Some couples would just go for it, and some awkwardly just stood there. It was getting really fun, when Lyanna caught both of them, and threatened having both in detention.

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