Behind That Beautiful Smile

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Oh no.

"Miss Carter." Severus' voice greeted me, I turned to Uncle Sirius and sighed. "Snivellus- sorry... S-Severus wants to talk to you." He told me, and gave me a encouraging smile. "Talk about what?" I asked, now looking at Remus and Tonks. My mood seems to change from calm to frightened. Why would Snape want to talk to me during the night? "Talk about that... Day in Hogsmead."

"What about it?"

"Scarlet, when Ben casted the cutting curse on you, somehow... Purple Fire escaped your body... And everybody fell from their feet." Tonks answered, then move to another room. "Am I dangerous?" I asked confusingly, with a little bit of fright in my tone. "No, it's that... if you can't control them... You can cause serious problems." Severus said, blankly. "Thats the same! I am dangerous! So thats why no one would talk to me from that moment and on, was it?!" I screamed, putting my hands to my face.

"Scarlet, calm down -"

"No! He's the reason why I let it out! If he would just stop and believe me that Ben was under the curse, then fire or whatever wouldn't do anything with me!" I cried, backing away and pointing my index finger towards Snape. "Scarlet, please, you're going to tear the Burrow or the house down if you can't control them -"

"You'd think, I'd do that?"

"It's because when you have a wild emotion, it bursts out -"

"Then I'll leave for God's sake! I didn't ask to be here! I understand! This was like before! Like how everybody shut me out!" I shouted, and put the hood of my christmas cloak on. Everybody tried to grab me, but I managed to go to the fire place. Quickly getting a handful of Floo Powder, I said the address and the green fire crept all over me.

"Scarlet! Wait -!"

"Scarlet!" Tonks shouted, but didn't catch the girl. "We need to get her -"

"No, Tonks. She needs to breath, let her have some space." Sirius said, looking deadly at Severus.

"And you! If only you didn't waltz in here on this hour, maybe she couldn't have left!" He yelled at him, breathing heavily.

"Sirius, it wasn't his fault -"

"No, Moony! It was entirely your fault! If you just stayed away from my niece, everything would be fine, and her powers could have been still locked down! But no!"

"It's my fault, isn't it Black? My fault! Everything! It's my fault because Lily hated me. My fault that the Dark Lord hunted them down. My fault Scarlet's mad. All everything on me! Go on! Pin me on each and every problem that exists, because I was the boy with a large nose and greasy hair, remember?!"

Later the men were already bickering. And Tonks couldn't help it anymore. "SHUT UP!!!" she bellowed, making Grimmauld Place tremble. "You three, sit down. Especially you, Padfoot." she ordered. The three of them sat down in the same time, staring at the woman in disbelief. "No one is pinning the blame on anyone. Severus, explain."

Snape explained that he read something about Scarlet's... Strange ability. But he seemed so angry like he wanted to rip a telephone book apart. After a few minutes, Remus looked at Tonks and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Severus, do you really know Scarlet?" he asked clearly. "Why would I answer that. If I said yes, Black can tackle me any moment, asking me why." he replied sarcastically. "I mean, do you know why she feels so depressed and rejected?"


"Tell him, Moony."


His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Where stories live. Discover now