Where Everything Ends - PART 1

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PART 1 OF THE LAST CHAPTER - Down The Rabbit Hole

Chapter 68•

"I really hate to interrupt in this romantic moment, I really do."

Scarlet froze as Severus looked into her eyes and slowly shook his head. He silently tried to reach for his wand, but it was gone. "Looking for this, Snapey?" shouted the voice of Amycus Carrow, as he held the wizard's wand.

There was no escape.

'Scarlet... Scarlet... I love you, but I need you to run. Run as fast as you can, and don't come back for me, alright?' the Potions Master said telepathically, as she quickly received the message in her head. Tears streamed down her face while she shook her head, when Severus bellowed: "Run, Scarlet! Now!" Carrow jumped at the man and started fighting. Scarlet screamed, and threw flames at Carrow accidentally, but Severus shot a look at her. "GO!!!"

(Just because I revived good characters doesn't mean I won't bring back our antagonists!)

Scarlet ran deeper & deeper into the forest, as her hair flew by her back. She dodged all the trees, when she realized Fenrir Greyback's voice, shouting at her. "Come here, little witch! You don't want little icky little Severus to be hurt!"

She quickly wiped her face due to the tears, and continued running just as told. Who knew how fast or how long she's been running. "You can run, but you can't hide!" Avery shouted farther by her back. She screamed louder. But the only problem was...

Where was Severus?! He should've been with her now!

"Severus?! Severus?!" Scarlet shouted as loudest as she can, not minding the pain in her throat. Many animals ran away as she screamed every time, that she thought why nobody heard her yet. She expected Severus to be running behind her, but Greyback & Avery's figures were the only things in her sight. Her feet weren't this strong, why wasn't she tired yet? It was something in her that knew her life was in grave danger. "Scarlet!" he sang, missing her robes by at least an inch. He started casting spells, that she surrounded herself with a giant orb that repelled all spells while she ran. Her first old ever Gryffindor tie even flew away from it's owner, and smacked the Death Eater by the face. But visions seemed to have been hitting Scarlet as she ran past the tall and large trees... Visions of her loved ones being tortured.


John Carter was holding his flames towards Malaine, while her black flames began to creep closer. "FOR MY FAMILY! NEVER!!" The red flames disappointed its master, and John Carter fell to the ground with a loud thud.
Teresa Carter looked at Malaine furiously, and with one last wave, both women lost to each other while Teresa laid dead on the master bedroom's floor.
Xander was now flying up, down, left, right on his broom while he gripped onto the effing thing for dear life. The broom swooped down, and dragged him across the Quidditch Field like he was road kill.
Lyanna screamed and shrieked as a man tackled her to the floor and started scratching her. Her face streamed down tears, when the man got a clear vision of her face then stepped back. It was the wrong witch.
Talahad and Donatello casted spells everywhere as the Death Eaters tried to kill the Duo. Donatello looked horrified, & Talahad did every hex he knew ever since childhood to protect himself & his friend that he knew as a brother.
Severus' stomach started to lurch as he clutched his chest and sank to the floor, groaning in pain. Something seemed to have been torturing inside him as he shouted for help.... Yet no one came.

His Half-Blood Princess {Severus Snape}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon