The Toughest Choice

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Just as both arrived inside their chambers, Scarlet quickly & dramatically slid down the door frame. Severus didn't notice this, and when he turned around, he rolled his eyes at her amusingly. "You should stop rolling your eyes, y'know. Next thing you know, your eye balls are going to pop out of your head." she said as though she were drunk. "Discontinue this behavior, or you give me no choice." Severus told her, making the witch pull his hand, and ending up with her face close to his. 

"Then I don't want to take the choice, but thank you for the offer." Scarlet said backing away. She sat nearby the window drawing a heart upon it as though the ice seemed to be like a drawing board. Christmas was around the corner, and not even the carols, or the snowmen throw a little grin on her lips. "Alright Scarlet, tell me what's bothering you?" Severus finally said after a whole minute of thinking if it were a good thing to say right now. 'It's nothing.... Don't mind it...." she replied not looking away from the view. "Please. I don't care how much I say your name, Scarlet, but please. I just can't stand it."

"Stand what?! Me?! Severus, what we're doing is illegal! W-W-"

"What?" he asked, surprisingly, calmly.

"We shouldn't continue this. US."

Severus heart felt like it was being crashed into the walls that it made it shatter into millions of pieces. She didn't want this? After all this time? "You don't want me anymore? Is that what you're trying to tell me? I'm just a stranger to you now?!" he cried out with a sob. "No. It's not anything like that -"

"Then tell me." 

Scarlet sighed deeply.

 "Severus.... I-If love means putting someone else's needs before yours, then you need to stay away from me. Don't you understand? They're using people I care about to hurt me. And.... you're the person I care about the most! I can't accept the fact that your life will be in danger!

"I know it's very stupid of me, but please. You're my Professor, and I'm your student! What will others think of us! Y-You're twice my age and I-I'm not even old enough. Once this is all over... Life can finally be normal again.  You don't understand, I can't bear to lose you and one way to keep you safe... is if you stay away from me. I don't feel like this way to anyone else but you. Always....." somehow a small tear escaped her face. 

"Scarlet.... I know love is putting someone's needs before your's...  But to me, I'd sacrifice anything for you. Even if it costs my life. Please just let me take care of you, & I swear n -"

But Scarlet raised her hand to interrupt him, and looked like a light-bulb just appeared in her brain.

"Wait, Severus, this morning, who were you sitting beside with?" Scarlet asked absent-mindedly, that made the wizard give her an annoyed look. "Scarlet..."

"No, like seriously. Who were you sitting with?"

"Please -"

"I'm not allowing an us if you don't answer me." she threatened.

"ElainousAndRaven" Severus blurted out ever so quickly. "Slowly."

"Elainous... and... Raven."

"I knew it!" Scarlet whisper-shouted to herself. There was a silence, when she looked up to him. "Miss Carter, please do not ignore what we were talking about earlier, and what do you know about?" Sev asked sternly. "Rave- I mean Professor Jones put poison in your cup! I knew it! Everything's in their place! I knew it!" Scarlet exclaimed happily as one hand combed her hair excitedly. "She was sitting beside you and she slipped it inside when you weren't looking! I knew she was what I- Sev?"

But all what the Potions Master did was frown and give her a disapproving shake of his head. "You're not the Scarlet that I once knew."


"The real Scarlet Carter would never thrust a blame onto someone. The real Scarlet Carter would never disapprove on our relationship. She would never act like this. You're not yourself right now."

Scarlet somehow finally realized her actions, and sunk to the floor again with a blank, expressionless and scared face. She placed her palm towards her forehead and it felt very warm. She was sweating so much with her knees weak. She brought out a bottle, drinking the contents inside... or maybe forcing herself to drink everything. "Scarlet!" Sev shouted  taking her bottle. "What is this?" he asked pointing towards it. "C-Calming... D-D-Draught-y... I mean Draught. I d-don't want to unleash F-Fortis V- I mean p-powers, a-again...." 


"Or was this S-Sleeping D-Draughuht-?"

And with that she fell asleep. "I knew it. She's getting crazier by the minute if we don't stop these idiots..." He brought the sleeping witch like a little girl to his bedroom, and laid her down. He later sat down beside her, but no matter how many pages he was reading on his book, somehow Scarlet's words keep on replaying in his head.

"Severus.... I-If love means putting someone else's needs before yours, then you need to stay away from me. Don't you understand? They're using people I care about to hurt me. And.... you're the person I care about the most! I can't accept the fact that your life will be in danger! I know it's very stupid of me, but please. Once this is all over... Life can finally be what we've dreamed of. You don't understand, I can't bear to lose you and one way to keep you safe is if you stay away from me. I don't feel this way to anyone but you. Always....."


Within a few moments, rain was pouring down without warning. Then... the first thunder of December struck. Two... Three more... And why isn't this witch waking up?! As the 7th and loudest thunder roar struck, Scarlet jolted out of the bed, and hugged Severus due to fright. His arms wrapped around her protectively. If only he could pause this moment forever... "So... Miss Carter, do you need me? Or you can do this all by yourself?"

"Sod off, Sev."

"You drank the-"

"- Sleeping Draught, again. I've noticed, thank you very much."

"Why did you try & grab the Calming Draught?"

"I-I.... I..."

"What?" Severus asked as he arched an eyebrow. Scarlet tried to slip out, watching the hard rain outside of the window and gulped. "There's no such thing as a forever, Scarlet." he added sarcastically, that she had no choice but to reply. 



Mellow after daysof no story time! This is a boring 'hapter honestly. I must say... I'm somehow tearing myself apart. But... I hope you have an idea of who is trying to kill Sc- fjj24picgriujgfaebeani3rbgir3n what am I saying?! No spoilers!

Tbh, I confused myself, that I had to re-write this 6 times. Don't worry, I'll write the fastest again so I can update once more! I'll see ya!

QUESTION FOR THE READERS: So... who do you think is trying to kill Scarlet?

Why are you asking me? I'm gonna spoil everything if I tell ya! You'll find out...


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