Fortis Viribus

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"I will."


The next day, Severus, Tonks, and Remus left to go to Spinner's End. Sirius disagreed as he realized Severus was coming, and accepted the quest of changing Teddy's diaper every 3 hours.

"Scarlet?" Tonks said softly, knocking on the door. "She won't answer." she told them. Remus looked around and drew his wand. "Alohamora." he whispered, the door unlocked and let them in. Making the neighbor's dog tilt his head, when he saw 3 randomly-dressed humans with weird sticks.

"Scarlet?" Remus hushed. They looked up to the stairs to hear a girl's voice, and stared at Severus. "You go to her. Me and Nymphadora will be back." Remus told him, "Don't. Call. Me. Nymphadora!" Tonks whisper-shouted, storming outside. Severus climbed up the stairs, and leaned his ear towards the door.

🎶Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally...? 🎶

But Scarlet stopped. Severus was confused, and in a minute, he toppled down as Scarlet opened the door like lightning. He wasn't the only one who fell down. Scarlet fell down with him, and found herself on top of his chest, breathing heavily. "Quite the harmonic voice, miss Carter..." his voice tickled her neck. She quickly got up, and wrapped her arms across her stomach. "W-W-What are you doing here? And don't tell anyone about what y-you heard. It's... It's nothing." she stuttered, her right hand caressing her left. "I wish to help you control your powers, if you will accept. If not, I have no right to force you." Severus told her, and walked around her room with his hands held by his back. "And why would I want to trust you?" she said, arching an eyebrow. "Because... I care for you, Scarlet. I don't care if you don't feel the same for me, but let me help you."

"What if, I don't want to?" teased Scarlet, crossing her arms seductively, without effort, and making Severus bite his lip. "Then I shall leave you. It's quite sad living by yourself at this point of time." he replied, smiling triumphantly to himself. He walked to the door, and counted to three to himself. "One... Two... Three." "Alright! I'll agree!" Scarlet blurted out, damn it! What's wrong with me?! "But in one condition." she told him, pushing his hard chest. Severus gently crashed to the wall. "What?"

"This training doesn't change anything. I'm your student, you're my professor." Severus' heart dropped to his stomach. What happened to that witch he once knew? "Alright. Let's start. Do you know what your powers are called?"

"No, sir." I replied suspicously. "It's called Fortis Viribus. Fortis Viribus, contains such as these three powers: A strange force that can be used, using the mind, An ability to speak to animals, And of course, mind control by looking into one's eyes if you wish to control."

I only made Fortis Viribus up! But... Fortis Viribus actually translates to: Mighty Powers in Latin!)

I shouldn't have underestimated my powers, they sound cool. "Tell me, what ability should we train first. The other 2 shall be followed until you can control the particular power you chose first." Snape told me, and stood. Um.... "The one where I could use my mind for a strange force...?"

"Alright, stand beside me." he ordered. I went beside him and stood still. Snape swished his wand, and a empty glass water goblet appeared before my eyes. "I'd like you to concentrate on the cup. Think hard of making it burst into pieces." I stared hardly at the goblet, and concentrated hard, like my life depended on this. I noticed my eyes turned bright purple for a second, but suddenly came back to normal. Nothing happened. "You're not calm." he said, and strode to me. "Well, I'm not calm if I'm nervous that someone's watching me!" I exclaimed. "Well, if I get out now, how would I know that you didn't threw the glass to the wall?" he joked, making me roll my eyes. I stood in a position, and breathed for a minute. Destroy the cup... Destroy the cup... Destroy the cup.... Destroy the cup... Snape sighed deeply, and walked to me. He did the same position as mine, and pressed his body against me. I gasped as I felt his touch, and I can feel myself sweating. "Calm down..." He whispered in my ear, then snaked his arm around mine. His hand reached the level of my hand, intertwine his fingers with mine. "Is this suppose to make me relax or even more nervous?!"

"It depends. Which do you feel?" My cheeks warmed up, and I let out a loose laugh. "Don't do this to me, Snape." I told him. "What happened to calling me Severus?" "Sev..." I turned to look at him. I noticed our faces were so close... His black eyes looked at my face, when he turned his head to the side. "I shouldn't do this." he muttered and walked out of the door. "Se- Sir! Wait!" I shouted, running towards him. "I need to go." he said in a monotone voice, and opened the door. I ran to him, without even wearing a jacket, and only had my white tank top on. He forced himself to not look back, and I screamed to catch his attention. He quickly turned back, and furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. "What was that about?" I asked, not intending to shout. "I should resist myself, Scarlet. I'm a man.... And you're still growing up." he told me, and paced to his house. "I'll go with you." I said,following him. "Sh*t. The door's locked." Severus muttered, I pretended to be surprised and gasped. "The Professor Snape... swearing?!" I joked, he then brought out his wand. I abruptly seized his hand. "You can't do magic right now! The muggles are everywhere!" I whisper-shouted audibly, and it was true. The muggles were walking around, surprisingly loads of them. "Well, I need to sleep somewhere." Severus said to himself, when a hideous idea popped into my head.

"Severus... I have an idea." I offered, he looked at me in disbelief, before realizing he had no choice after reading my thoughts. "Are you sure he'll be alright with that?"

"Oh, please. Sirius won't get mad."


"Are you barking mad?!" Uncle Sirius yelled as I stood before him, nearly petrified, "Let HIM in the house with you two alone?!" I should have thought things straight first. "Uncle Sirius... The man is already training me, and I'm going to sleep in another room. Don't worry." I told him. "No." I'm gonna look stupid, but I'm doing this. I tilted my head and gave Padfoot 'the eyes'. "No... No... Ugh, fine."  "And that, is one of my powers that I posses." I chimed at Severus who mouthed 'brute'.

After Sev and I had dinner, I just had one teensy-weensy-tiny problem. Turns out there was a muggle event a block away from Severus' house, and by law, a wizard cannot perform magic by the present of a muggle. Well, in my house, unfortunately, I only have one bedroom. And the couch was moved in my bedroom not-so-long-ago. And, hehe, I feel kinda disturbed. Because, the couch is shorter than me, meaning I'm not slightly comfortable, and Snape can't either.

And to answer your question... NO I'M BLOODY HELL NOT SHARING A BED WITH HIM. I'm still mad at him after he yelled at me in the Hospital Wing, and another reason is, my bed is a queen-size.

I sat in the couch, as Severus walked out of the bathroom in his boxers with a plain black shirt. "Um, I'm going to sleep here." I told him awkwardly, and expecting what would he reply. "There? But your feet go past it! It's too small for you!" he exclaimed, "well, what choice do I have."


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