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He was the last one to visit of Melody's few friends. He swallowed before entering the room. Vince had gone against his mother's orders to see her. According to his mother, Melody was born from her hell and gained her father's tongue then going against the Holy Father by trying to get closer than death than He wished. Vince saw Melody as one of his best friends, she was an amazing singer and actress. He adored her part as Rizzo in Grease. Melody had been there since they were having trouble finding out what five plus ten. She had never let him down or had broken a promise to him. Even the one time, he had an accident in the tree house, so they blamed a squirrel. Still to this day, she has yet to let that cat out of its bag.

He pushed out of those thoughts. Vince knocked on the door. "Give us a second," a female's voice called. He then leaned against the wall by the hospital door. Then a nurse came out of the room. "Vince, right?" The nurse asked. "Yeah," he replied. She nodded. "You cam go in now, just every time one of her visitors are her own age her blood pressure rises a bit, so I took it before this time." She explained before Vince walked into the room.

"Hey Vince." Melody greeted him. "Hi, how are you doing?" Vince awkwardly asked, I'm stupid, she's in the hospital and lost some of her memory and I had to ask How are you doing!  "Better, remember more than the day before. I watched Grease yesterday and today I remember all of the practices and both of the performances." She explained. "What about you?" Melody asked. "Well, confused," he said honestly. "How?" She questioned as, he sat in the chair next to the bed. Vince had the word stuck in his throat. The eight letter word that started with a S. He didn't know how to say it, to admit, to come out of the closet. Vince didn't even know if he was truly gay or bi. The thought of kissing a guy had a nice feeling, and it felt sparkly in his dream. "Everything," he answered.

Melody had made a slight pout. "You haven't made that look in years." Vince commented. "What's that supposed to mean?" She inquired. "How you've changed over the years and that you know what to say, when you want to speak, and," Vince started to stutter, losing his words. "What would you want me to say?" She asked to him. "That it's okay to be-" he stopped himself. He couldn't admit it. He couldn't. No, Vince don't finish the sentence. It is not even close to being right. No, you're sick in the head. You are wrong. The tears flowed into his eyes. He roughly curled himself, all of his muscles clenched.

Vince started to cry into his arms. He wanted every doubt he and his mind owned to end. Melody got out of her bed with caution. She hasn't seen him this upset in years. "I'm tired of hiding, but I need to hide it." Vince cried and Melody brushed his hair gently back with her fingers. She gently kissed his forehead before whispering, "Tired of hiding what Vince? What's wrong?" Melody questioned him.

His head raised and his green eyes- that haven't changed since pre-school- looked into her hazel eyes. "I-I th-think I'm g-g-g-," he swallowed, "b-b-bi o-o-or g-," he struggled with to so much get to the second letter. His voice was raspy and hadn't the his typical volume as he normally had. "Gay?" She questioned in a quietly voice. He nodded with more tears strolling down his cheeks that dropped down to his jeans.

Melody pulled him into a hug and Vince felt so vulnerable now. He was exposed. His head was buried into the crook of her neck. "I won't tell anyone, that's for you to share with the world, not mine." Melody whispered to him. "Thank you, but you don't think it's weird?" He replied. "A bit, but I'll get used to it." She told him honestly. "I do have a question for you though." She replied. "What is it?" He asked. "How did you find out?" He hesitated. "I-I have feelings for two people. One's a guy and the other is a girl. I had a naughty dream about the guy last night." Vince confessed to one of his best friends since before he was five.

He let himself out of the hug. "Another question, please?" She requested. "Yeah," he replied. "What girl or guy whatever one you feel more comfortable to admit you have a crush on?" She replied. "The girl is a junior, she's in my math and science class. She has beautiful green eyes." He described her.

Melody shook her head, "I got nothing, you gotta be more specific." She said. "She has curly blonde hair. She is in volley ball and I think she's in choir." He gave her. The sight of recognition was in her eyes. "I know who you're talking about, she played Patty Simcox in the play! I can't think of her name though." Melody explained. "Jessie," he answered with a blush going across his face. A bright smile came across her face. "What?" He exclaimed, his voice hitting a higher note, and becoming a deeper shade of red. She just smiled and shrugged. "It not nothing, what is it?" Vince asked. "I don't know, I can kinda see her fitting in with you and our little group." Melody explained. "I'm glad you approve." He replied. She laughed at him and pinched his cheek, "You're so cute" She remarked. He slapped her hand away. "Okay, I get it, stop pinching me." He whined.

Vince checked his phone and noticed it was close to lunch time at school. He had previously told his mother that he had a migraine and that he would go to school at or near lunch time. "Hey Melody, I told my mom that I'd be back to school around lunch, so I have to go." Vince told her. "See yeah soon," she remarked. "Yeah, bye Melody." Vince said and headed out of the hospital room.

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