The Book of Secrets: My first translation

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  • Dedicated to Heidi Baker

"The Book of Secrets"

My first translation

       It's been really interesting, as well as insightful in discovering all the various ways God speaks, heals, gives visions, gives Words of Knowledge, the ways in which Angels do things etc. etc. Nevertheless, this next one really does 'bake your Noodle' at regulo 9 (this may be a 6 upside-down...) in your gas oven for four hours and then some.

       Again I've heard of all sorts of interesting things that happen within the Kingdom of God, such as Manna bread turning up in people's Bible's (if you eat it, then the Manna has 'Healing properties'), Gold teeth appearing in people's mouths and not just any ordinary Gold, but the best quality (these people would go to their dentist and show them their new Gold teeth. Firstly, the dentist would ask,

"Who put in this magnificent dental work, because I sure didn't!?" and then the dentist would state that the worth of the Gold was sometimes in the region of $20,000!). Also, things like Gold just appearing on the floor during a church meeting as if out of nothing ("The Book of Secrets" tells me that this is a sign of the manifest presence of God. This being, as it were, a bit like in some of those Far Eastern countries when a King, Pharaoh, Maharaja or Sultan walked through the city – slaves would walk before him throwing flower petals on the floor so that everywhere this most powerful, illustrious, Majesty of a person went, then they would walk only on scented petals). So wherever God walks there is Gold! Angel feathers floating down from the ceiling within an enclosed building, now that gets a bit weird I must admit, but I met a lady in Miami, Florida once who this happened to quite often; in fact one time she thought to herself that someone had opened a feather pillow over her head, because there were so many feathers surrounding her. As the Americans say, "Go figure!"

Other weird happenings such as it raining inside a building, people with Gold in their Bible's, specks of Gold on people's faces and on their hands, buckets of oil being collected from people's hands – the list just goes on and on, however being 'Translated' is one amazing occurrence within the way God chooses to do things. There are at least two examples of these "Translation experiences" in the Bible. People actually travelling from one country to another and not just within a country (and often taking no time at all to arrive, do 'the assignment' and return home)!

"Oh come on!?" I hear your unbelieving heart's cry.

Just because you don't have "A GRID" for this kind of stuff. Just because it hasn't happened within your own realm of experience or to anyone else of your acquaintance, doesn't mean that it doesn't happen! For example, how many of you know or are related to either a Millionaire or a Billionaire? Well, I've seen TV programs where a 16-year-old gets her "Sweet 16th birthday party" from her Daddy and it costs 200,000 dollars! He or she in another show gets a 50 - 70,000 dollar car for a birthday present! So, for these children it is 'normal' to live in expensive hotels, have unlimited cash / credit cards etc. etc. But for the vast majority of us this type of thing is well past / beyond anything we could ever experience. Well, the fact is people do get incredibly expensive birthday gifts from their Billionaire father's, as well as people experiencing amazing stuff from the God of the Universe!

Well, you see God just does as He pleases, so do not ask me to explain it to you. Why can't another person within that country do the same job – well I have no satisfactory answer for you except God does as He pleases see Psalm 135 verse 6, "Whatever the Lord pleases He does, in Heaven and in Earth, in the seas and in the deep places."

Having said all that now listen to what actually happened to me 'the first time I was translated'...

       I was in bed fast asleep, again not being in any particular spiritual mood, man I was asleep! The next thing I knew I was flying through the air like a supersonic jet or going as fast as a rocket crossing lands and seas in seconds. The feeling of flying free as a bird was exhilarating. I passed over 'the Pond', saw myself coming into land in Atlanta Georgia – in a hospital room....

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