Chapter Three: A soldier: End of tour of Duty

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Chapter Three: A soldier: End of tour of Duty

Wow this is all new! Heh I want this letter to go out to all my friends, all my fellow soldiers back at base and the battalion; not just my family. It’s weird up here. I haven’t found out much yet, but what I am experiencing in my heart is beyond words. I was never much for words anyway as you all know, but if I was a poet; I still couldn’t describe this place. Ah heck I forgot, mum, dad, I owe you an apology, as well as a great big thank you! You were right all along, this place really does exist. Wow and I nearly didn’t make it! I made it by the skin of my teeth, I’ll tell ya! Look in case I haven’t been quite clear about this “I’M IN HEAVEN!!!!!

 For some weird reason everything is going nuts up here. Firstly, they are letting a lot of us “Write home”. Even I knew that wasn’t possible. Secondly, (mum and dad you’ll understand this, I don’t quite know what they mean); they are getting ready for the “Second Coming”?????

 I suppose you’re really surprised that a reprobate like me, a womaniser, a cheat, a thief (I stole money from your purse mum more than once to buy some ‘weed’), a non-believer should wind up in Heaven? Well, as you said Dad and I quote, “In the Kingdom of God, nothing happens that happens without prayer happening first!” I met Jesus very briefly and he told me that I was here because of your prayers mum and dad! Your prayers really worked! Isn’t that cool!? Anyway, I know that I didn’t believe and can you find it in your hearts to forgive me? But, well, you know that I was blown up by a roadside bomb; boy is it really weird to witness parts of you flying off your body! Oh I’m sorry that was a bit insensitive of me, I have got a lot to learn, but Jesus told me not to worry as he has confidence in me that I will turn out good. Boy has he got an unusual smile. It’s the kind of smile that says so much. It looks right through you, understands you, forgives you, accepts you and, and so much more. It really just is too much for me.

 What I meant to say is that now in Heaven, I am 100% whole, no body parts missing OK!? Er um where was I? Oh yes, as I lay on the stretcher He came to me, Jesus I mean. At first I thought I was delirious, because of all the morphine the medic had pumped into me. I was really zonked out; trust me I know what I’m talking about! Well, a strange peace flooded my whole body, my soul, my dead spirit when He stood before me. He told me that you, as well as the other guys at the church were praying for me, right in that very same moment. Pastor sure got it right and must have been listening to the Holy Spirit to call that all night prayer meeting for me.

 Crazy, you just can’t believe what happened next. Jesus left! I thought to myself, “Wow, I was expecting a sermon or something, you know like, ‘Come follow me’, no He just smiled that amazing, unnerving smile of His and immediately vanished.” The only prayer I knew was, “The Lord’s Prayer” so I repeated it:

“Our Father in Heaven,

Hallowed be your name.

Your Kingdom come.

Your will be done.

On earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts,

As we forgive our debtors,” (I had to pause at this bit as I thought of a lot of – er – I have to choose my language carefully here, er – ‘people’ who have wronged me.; but I thought, “What the heck, they don’t care two hoots about me and I’m sure they are not thinking about me at this moment, so what the heh!”)

And do not lead us into temptation (I never really got that bit…)

But deliver us from the evil one (Yeh and Amen to that!!!)

For yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory for ever.


And so, here I am, safe and well and feeling more alive than I have ever felt before. So do not worry family I’m OK! It’s some of you that I’m now concerned about!

See ya,

Your loving son……….

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