Chapter 9: Redemption: Part Seven.

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  • Dedicated to Sebastian Pohl

Chapter 9: Redemption: Part Seven.

 I was extremely glad that experience was over I can tell you, so I jumped out of the fire tunnel as quickly as I could. As I landed just inches away from the flame it turned scarlet red once again. I wobbled a bit and smiled sheepishly at the passive Angel.

"Wow, am I glad to get out of there!" I spoke nervously.

       "Replace your hand into the flame," suggested the Angel.

I looked at the scarlet curtain of flame and then to the Angel, then back to the flame. I suddenly felt an enormous heat and I leapt back away from the fire tunnel.

"Good! You learn quickly. Remember in the spirit world things may not always be as they seem. The enemy can masquerade as an angel of light, so get to know the Lord God of Hosts' voice and you will not go far wrong."

"But you said stretch out your hand..."

       "I know I did and I am very glad that you trusted me..." He smiled that same smile and spoke, "Come on Son of Adam you have a meeting with destiny."

"Oh is she here too?"

       "No, your destiny," he stated as he turned and started to walk away.

I felt such a fool. I wonder if Elvis is here? If I ask him will he think me a complete fool?

 As I walked I regarded my translucent body. It was really cool. I could touch my arm, feel it, I knew where it started and finished in relation to the rest of my body; yet I could see right through it – wow!

"Er, er , er excuse me where are we going now, a lake full of fire and brimstone?" I chuckled with nervous laughter.

       "No, that is located in Hell. You are in Heaven, in case you were not aware of the fact!" His wings flapped and he rose into the um well higher up, shall we say.

"You, Son of Adam are going to meet your Maker, the Lord God Himself. He has commanded or would you perhaps like better the word 'requested' your presence."

I swallowed hard, "Er, er now, I mean now, right now, can't it wait? Perhaps I should take another dip in the Fire Tunnel. Yes, yes, phew I can really smell myself. I would not want to meet God Almighty all stinky like this and so perhaps..."

"Yes, Now."

       "He must be really busy, you know, running of the universe and everything?"

"Yahweh is never busy!"

       "I haven't had the training; I don't know the correct etiquette?" I searched my mind for any excuse. Meeting God, er face to face as it were was, well, something I was definitely not prepared to do. I mean what do you say to God when you meet Him face to face? "Er – hi God, how are you?" Or "Fine day, nice weather we're having and thank you for the fine weather er." Or "It wasn't my fault I..." Let's face it I had no idea.

 The Angel hovered a little above me, regarded me solemnly and spoke,

"Son of Adam, do not trouble yourself what to say and what not to say; as it will be given you."

Having said that he came lower grabbed my hand and off we took.

"Heh! Heh! I do not like flying. I'm scared of flying! Ah-oo- a!" I shouted.

The Angel spoke softly, "It is not flying that you are frightened of, it is crashing! Do you think that I will run out of fuel...? Run into a storm cloud and my instrumentation will then go haywire? Are we likely to run into a flock of migrating Canada Geese, which will be sucked into my engines and then BANG!? Be of good cheer Son of Adam, if you fall then you have died already, so it won't make any difference."

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