Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Four. Meeting with a cluster of rainbows.

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  • Dedicated to Olga Bodnar

Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Four.

Meeting with a cluster of rainbows.

The cluster of rainbows spoke again,

"You know Betty you shouldn't have done what you did? Life is very precious, where there is life, there is still hope."

My head dropped, immediately a rainbowed hand lifted up my jaw again.

"You never know what is coming around the next corner. Too many of my people give up just before their answer arrives; when they really should press in even the more."

I knew what he meant and he wasn't just talking about believers in the church, he was talking about my taking all those sleeping pills. I did not feel condemned by his words; I cannot describe it accurately....

Then he did a strange thing, he reached out his rainbowed hand and touched my heart. I could clearly see his fingers plunge beneath my chest and surround my heart, my soul.... To precisely describe the feeling which transpired would take the best Poet Laureate that ever lived. However, I will try in my awkward way:

There was a tingling feeling which pervaded my entire body, and even to the outer edges of it. I felt wrapped in love, in a power, the edges of which I could clearly sense extending to about two inches past the outer form of my body. I felt like I was wearing a boiler suit. I had no fear, no tears. It was as if each tear was stopped before it could fall – every tear was 'still-born'. Then he spoke,

"I do not condemn you; I forgive you, totally, utterly, and unreservedly. Be loosed from your addictions. Receive your forgiveness. Receive your healing. I speak peace, Shalom, completeness, wholeness, restoration."

The words were so powerful, yet gentle, loving, full of compassion, love, and acceptance. I felt light, like I could fly, like my body would just drift up off the ground. I felt as if a great weight had suddenly been lifted off my back. It had been there for years, I was aware of it, yet at the same time unaware of it, if you follow me?

I felt clean, refreshed, and new within my soul. All condemnation left me as if I was holding all my condemnation in a balloon and Jesus helped me to let go of the string and the balloon drifted away never to return.

My knees felt very weak, I could not stand, except for the fact that the two Angels came to my side and aided me to stay upright.

His hand slowly withdrew.

"It is done." Rainbows can smile I have discovered...

"Now my dear sister, return from whence you came."

This came as a complete and utter shock to me. I was momentarily stunned and then,

"Go back? Go back where, to what? To my living room?" I asked incredulously.

"Yes, precisely!"

I was confused, "But I don't want to go back. I can't, not to that..." I stared into what I considered was his eyes, which was quite hard to do, because which rainbow was which?

"I like it here; this is the best place ever. It's beautiful. I feel so at peace. I don't want to go back! Do I have to go back?"

Jesus smiled, I think?

"Do you love your daughter?"

Wow, that one came out of left field.

"Yes, er yes, of course, I do." Then I thought, "I'm dead, aren't I?"

Jesus smiled again, "Not yet...."

I thought some more, "If I'm not dead, then what am I?"

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