The Book of Secrets: Part Two - Spiritually opened eyes:

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  • Dedicated to Sebastian Hilbert


The Book of Secrets

Spiritually opened eyes:

For a long time I tried this out, to see into the Spiritual realms. I would stand on a raised position within a church service and just look around, hoping to 'see' something. For a long time I saw nothing, just the backs of members of the congregation. However, I endeavoured... Perhaps other people looking at me thought I was looking for a friend or I was part of the security team, whatever they thought I was very often frustrated with not seeing anything.

Sometimes thoughts went through my mind such as, "You're spying on people to find out their secrets!" To a certain extent, this logic may ring true, especially if a person was struggling with homosexuality or pornography. What do you do if a person has actually murdered someone or committed adultery? Many situations / circumstances are highly private, sensitive and/or painful / embarrassing and so I had to learn to operate in God's wisdom when either sharing what I saw with another person or actually approaching the person who had a particularly sensitive issue in their lives. One guy actually bare face lied that he had absolutely nothing to do with what I saw. This left me in an embarrassing situation. What do I say, "You are a liar, I saw it written on your forehead!!" I would then think to myself, "Perhaps I was mistaken in what I 'thought' I saw...?" You can't make a person 'confess' and force them into accepting your help and so we had to leave it at that.

It was interesting trying to analyse what I saw, as there was 'no rhyme or reason' to when I saw something in the spirit or to what I was allowed to see. Occasionally I saw words on people's chests, every now and then on their backs and infrequently upon their foreheads. I think the forehead thing doesn't happen as frequently as the other two because it is very easy to get caught staring at someone; which, of course, can become embarrassing and can 'force the issue'; especially if they ask somewhat aggressively, "What are you looking at!!?" Non-Christians tend to react this way to stares.

You would be amazed if I told you what people are walking around with 'tattooed' upon their foreheads or emblazoned upon their backs/chests! Once I spent one full day walking around a city and God allowed me to see everyone's writing upon their person, which means bad as well as good subject matters. Most I missed as I can't be looking everywhere at once, but wow what do you do with such information. God told me that He sees these 'spiritual tattoos' too, yet He still loves these people unconditionally with an aching / breaking heart that cannot help itself from loving mankind. He told me on this day, that despite seeing those 'spiritual tattoos' He rather focused on their wonderful potential, upon all the good things they were capable of and all the people that they could love in His name. God is really cool that way. I learnt a lot from Him that day....For example when a person truly becomes 'born again', a 'follower of Christ', a 'disciple of Jesus' or a 'believer' (whatever terminology you wish to use, including a 'Christian'); then the Holy Spirit Himself writes a 'spiritual tattoo' upon their foreheads. This is done, because other spirit beings can see this writing and so it informs them that, "This one is mine! They belong to the Father of Lights. This is my son/daughter." Each person is marked out as being a soldier in the Third Heaven's army.

Unfortunately, the enemy does a similar thing to his 'possessions'. These 'spiritual tattoos' I was permitted to see such as murderer, arsonist, rapper, liar, unthankful, swindler; plus a whole host of other names (some of which some people may find offensive and so I shall not include them in this list).

I finally saw words floating in the air above a section of a congregation in a church meeting and I knew that the release of healing power for, say Cancer would come over anyone sitting/standing within that area. I informed the Pastor or lead elder, but what do you do if you keep going up to the front to 'give a word'? People start to expect stuff from you, you become, well, sort of 'famous' within your congregation and it is really difficult to not lose your head. I would often ask myself, "Why am I doing this? Is it for the fame, the notoriety or for the furtherance of God's Kingdom? Oh dear, I do not wish to steal God's Glory; yet I know God at the same time wants to exalt people, to promote them, to lift them up oh dear what a tight balancing game this is!"

I would also ask myself, "Why is it that I seem to be the only one who is getting these 'words' and seeing into the spirit world?" Actually, that wasn't strictly true about me being 'the only one'; some other people were having stuff from time to time (some more often than others); however it did appear too often to be me who went up the front. I received an answer one day which basically stated that I was positioning myself and I was going after this kind of stuff and so that is why I got it. Other people just did not go after spiritual things. Some wished it, but did not do much to position themselves. I can now state that for many years now, back on Earth, I have seen quite a rapid rise in the number of other people getting involved / experiencing such cool stuff; which makes my heart glad.

 See Part Three for My first Word of Knowledge

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