Chapter 9: Commissioning: Part Eight.

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  • Dedicated to BIltayib M. Biltayib

Chapter 9: Commissioning: Part Eight.

I expected a booming voice, the voice of many waters crashing upon the cliffs. I supposed that I would fall to my knees, drop to my face and be held there prostrate by some invisible force. I had summated that I would be confessing my sins and begging for forgiveness, it just goes to show how wrong man can be....

I saw the mighty throne of God, majestic, awesome in its design and power. I could see God the Father, the one true living God and he looked like a man. He was spirit, but he had the outward form of a man; which is not surprising really as I have since learnt that man is made in the image of God. This 'image' does not just mean the outward appearance, of course. This 'being made in the 'image of God' also includes attributes of God's nature and character for example, being creative, kindness, the ability to love and be loved, giving mercy and so on and so forth.

What surprised me is the fact that I heard, distinctly heard a still small voice welcome me by my first name. I could not quite make out God's facial features, but His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, Him I could see. The still small voice of welcome came from God, from Yahweh; I know this as Jesus then bid me welcome.

The Throne Room of God the Almighty was surrounded by 24 elders, all arrayed in white robes and wearing golden crowns. There appeared to be millions of Angels, Arch Angels, Seraphim and Cherubim; with strange creatures full of eyes with wheels full of eyes and these creatures had three pairs of wings. Their faces were the faces of an Ox, an Eagle, a Lion and a Man. All the creatures had hands under each set of wings and they sang a song which no man can repeat. The song sounded melodious, lovely, lilting; the Angels sang and their song thrilled my heart, the song seemed to go around and around, never ending, yet always being fresh, being new, having some such minor alteration in the melody or the harmony which made it new. These songs were uplifting like no other song men could sing and I knew that I was in Heaven.....

Jesus spoke,

"Welcome, you are most welcome, be at ease, be at peace, you have nothing to fear. Be at rest, for your journey here has been arduous, perilous and nightmarish."

I sat on the ground, grateful for the rest from standing. No one spoke, yes the singing continued and it was lovely, not intrusive in the least. I at last woke up to the idea that it was my turn to speak. It astounded me that the God of the Universe, the only True God, God of all gods (I have since learnt that there are many who profess to be a god, but in reality there is only one and His name is Yahweh, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.), well I was amazed that He and His only true Son were waiting for me to speak; were being polite, honouring me with the opportunity to say something. Wow!

"May it be permitted for me to ask why I had to go through the Fire Tunnel?"

Jesus answered, "The smell of sin and hell stinks in the nostrils of Him who is Holy and sits on the Throne."

"Oh!" said I. This is the same thing that the Angel had said to me, about me smelling better.

The still small voice of Almighty God whispered in my ear,

"Your healing Angel's smile was not one of disdain for your lack of knowledge. The Angel was merely trying his best to smile whilst the vile stink of hell was still upon you."

"Ah?" I thought to myself, I owe him an apology. I did not feel the need to justify myself with an excuse of "If only I had known..."

       "Also," Jesus started to speak to me in a soft voice, "going through the Fire Tunnel was necessary for this is where your works are tested by fire, the 'Refiner's Fire'. All that which is of sin is refined, purged in the Fire; so what the Angel told you about your sin was indeed correct."

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