Chapter Two: 17 year old boy

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Chapter Two: 17 year old Boy

Dear Dad,

 Sorry that I have not written before, you know what us boys are like – ha, ha. Yeah OK that was a bad joke Dad, but seriously they are a bit strict about us contacting you down there. They told me it really doesn't matter anyway, because most people would not believe you; they would just think you were nuts talking about hearing stuff from Heaven.

 They told me that you were in a bad fix Dad and that I was allowed to tell you what happened to me and help you out of your predicament.

Firstly, Dad don't worry yourself. I like it up here. It's really cool and believe me, once you've been here you don't ever want to go back! That reincarnation stuff is a load of baloney as you and I know, but just to use its ideas for illustration sake so that anyone will be able to grasp hold of:

Say you were a bug of some kind living underground or behind the bark of some tree. Well, you then died and were 're-incarnated' as a human. Wow, the life of a human, all the amazing things we humans can do and experience is so extremely superior to that of a bug that you would not want to go back to being a bug – right? Being in Heaven Dad is a bit like that, if you get my drift? Most human analogies just don't cut it when you're trying to explain Heaven type stuff anyway.

Well, I better tell you about my motorbike accident now; yeah I have been avoiding it a bit with talking about how cool Heaven is, I know but...

 Look, Dad, I know you blame the car driver, but it wasn't really their fault. It was mine. I guess I was showing off a bit to the other riders in our group. I know you won't believe me that I was riding a bit wild with all my experience of dirt bike riding since I was a kid, but you gotta remember I'd never owned a bike that powerful before. It was so new and shiny. Yeah, I know you cautioned me to wear a helmet, but by law, we don't have to and it was 'my' choice; so don't keep on beating yourself up about it Dad that you should have insisted that I wear one.

You see I was going around a corner and I took the bend too fast and so I could not hold the bend. I wasn't used to the bike's power. It was my fault Dad and the driver had no choice, no chance, no option; it all happened so fast. Forgive them Dad! It wasn't their fault. Do yourself a favour and forgive, you only hurt yourself by not forgiving! Unforgiveness is like a cancer. Forgive me too Dad for being such a fool, please, please forgive me too?

Don't worry Dad; I did not feel a thing – the crash I mean. I woke up in what I thought was a hospital, but it turned out to be a staging area. I tell you it was a real shock to find out you are dead, but more alive than ever before. It's kinda weird Dad, but you get used to it. I know you thought that I had great potential as an evangelist, but the devil took me out! He often does that, even to babies I am told. I was sad at first to realise that I could have been a 'Combined Harvester for Jesus', but now I know I'm in a much better place; fulfilling a much higher calling, that of worship. Anyway, later I found out that God had a substitute for me. The enemy can never win! I was sad that I couldn't have my own children and to have seen them growing up. I understand that when a parent loses a child that this is extremely sad. No parent wants to see their child dead, to have their child die before them. I know it was you who had to come and identify my body at the morgue: I'd already left my body by then and was standing next to you. I don't want to talk about that.

Now you're in a fix Dad. I know you're burnt out, you have given your all, but it feels as if it is just not enough. You are a disillusioned Pastor; how many of those are there? Always hoping for revival, hoping to see more Salvations, deliverances, miracles, and healings and they didn't come in your ministry. It's not your fault, not really. Don't give up; never give up Dad, too many people give up just before their breakthrough.

I am allowed to now come to you in a dream – Hi Dad it's me, your beloved son. Dad, you have been offered two positions within our church denomination and you do not know where to go. You are confused and do not know what is the wise decision. I tell you 'Go to Plymouth, England' it's in the south-west of the UK. Go to Plymouth and tell the church there that they need to prepare for revival is coming soon and Jesus is coming soon, very, very soon! Tell them Dad, tell them to prepare.

Hum, I seem to be fading.... Dad, can you hear me? Dad, Dad, can you hear me? I love you Dad! I love you! See you so.........................

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