Chapter 9: A complete makeover: Part Five.

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  • Dedicado a Uwe Hunger

Warning: Still some bits that are not suitable for children or people with weak stomachs.

Chapter 9: A complete makeover: Part Five.

The screaming continued unabated. The darkness was total. The loneliness absolute. The fear intense. The longing to die complete, but knowing that I was already dead just made the longing ineffective. Wishing to sleep, but unable to do so. Longing for comfort, but finding none. Wishing I was deaf, yet still hearing every scream. Hoping upon hope that I could at least meet another soul, even one that was crazy, even one that I couldn't talk to, just see. My situation was inexpressible. How on earth did I get here? Funnily enough, this was the answer to my conundrum; I got here via my sojourn on the earth. It was what I did whilst on the earth that determined my situation after leaving earth. It is what I did with God's Son or not do more's the point....

There was nothing I could do. Nothing! Was I supposed to enjoy being eaten alive, as it were, with all my feelings intact, by demonic creatures? Would this ease the pain, the suffering by 'enjoying' being devoured bit by bit? There was no respite, no hope, nothing, nothing good, nothing that one could look forward to; just a void....

I was still in my foetal position, practically locked in by my muscles. My eyes did not recognise the flickering light at first, as they were shut tight. However, light is light, and even evil torchlight, gives light. The closer it got to my dingy cell the stronger it became; until it impinged itself upon my tightly shut eyelids.

This time I heard the chatter of the two 'dread-demons', Suicidal-Maniac-Fiend and Blood-Thirsty-Bastard. Funny how a religion uses the same word –'dread'.... For demons who had been dammed to hell for all eternity, these appeared to be in 'good spirits'. They were, of course, looking forward to their second course of 'fresh meat' as they named me. This time they dragged a woman behind them, still kicking and screaming at them. Her breasts were cut off and her stomach was laid bare. She had been pregnant and these two hell dread demons had eaten her offspring. They tossed the naked body to one side and placed the key in the lock.

"'ello 'fresh meat', we've come for a slice or two or your rump or the other side – no matter, we like everything...."

The other laughed as he violently kicked the half-dead woman in her open stomach. He still held a small hand and elbow in his mighty claw. He gnawed at it, spat out the bones, belched whilst stating,

"Get 'em while they're young and tender!" He laughed that most evil of laughs and entered the cell. There was nothing that I could do, so I backed away to the slide again. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, my lips were cracked dry. My eyes were red raw with crying and my strength was totally gone. I lay there waiting for the pain to come, waiting for the dread demons to carve me up like a Sunday joint.

I looked up the slide, the tunnel from whence I had fallen. It was no use; I could not possibly climb up and even then up to what? I would at least be away from the jaws of Suicidal-Maniac-Fiend and Blood-Thirsty-Bastard; my cell's dread demon keepers.

I waited in anticipation of the first strike and then it came. I screamed in agony, then the second. They were playing with me this time; like a cat with a mouse. They were going to 'tenderise me' first then devour me. They yelled obscenities at me all the time, both in languages that I could understand or at least identify, as well as other demonic languages that I had no idea about. They were just about to eat their first bit of me when....

Suicidal-Maniac-Fiend screamed out such a horrifying scream that it made all the other screams I'd heard whilst being in my dungeon seem like a pussycat purr. He quickly exited from my dungeon taking his torch with him. Blood-Thirsty-Bastard merely uttered,

Heaven's LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora