Chapter 9: Refined in the Fire: Part Six.

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  • Dedicated to Thomas Benkert

Chapter 9: Refined in the Fire: Part Six.

Dear reader, I wish to take a pause just here, just right now. I wish to reflect. I do not mind admitting to you that I am confused. Now, everyone else might not be confused, but I am. I am pretty sure I know where I've been, as well as what happened to me. I need to recap for my own sake and not yours dear reader of my Heavenly letter. Now let me see, oh yes, I went snorkelling, got stung by several box jellyfish and died. OK so far, (apart from the actual dying bit, of course). Next, I found myself in hell being eaten alive (well not actually 'alive' as such, yet conscious of being eaten and the excruciating pain which accompanies this process.). I know that I was in hell because of two reasons:

1.)           The two dread demons told me so, (but then again who can trust or believe in the word of a demon – tricky that one?) or at least they said so.

2.)           It felt like hell (having had no previous experience of hell, but if that wasn't it, then hell is beyond my imagination) or at least it was a really 'good' simulation.

Now I find myself in a place, which for the moment we will call 'heaven', and in my opinion, it has a weirdness all of its own. I don't know about you dear reader, but an entire warehouse full of people's spare (or unclaimed – you chose) body parts really takes the biscuit! Don't get me wrong, I believe it, it just wasn't in my 'grid' so to speak, not in my wildest dreams and of course not in my experience.

Now just because it was out of my 'grid', wildest dreams, and experience, this does not mean that it is not true. It just means it's out of my 'grid', wildest dreams, and experience. Am I making sense? OK, so where am I now – er heaven right? Well, at least I hope so.

My Angel friend seems very nice. I found out that all the Angels have different jobs, functions and even sizes. He is a 'Healing Angel'. I met another about two feet high who breathed fire over my injured body and even though I felt some heat, it did not burn and my skin was made new. My 'Healing Angel' told me to close my eyes again, but halfway through I peeked and got the shock of my life, seeing this little 'Healing Angel' breathing fire on me like some pigmy dragon.

This I tell you all as a prelude to what was going to happen next, which did cause me to think, (only for a moment) that I was still actually in hell.... I'll explain:

As we left the giant warehouse full of people's spare body parts we met another giant – an Angel over 30 feet tall. My 'Healing Angel' informed me that Angels came in all sizes. They even had some that could put one foot on the top of a mountain and the other foot in the ocean. Now that's big! Other Angels were 'Messenger Angels', 'Warrior Angels', 'Ministering Angels' and so on. Anyway, our next port of call was to be a place of decontamination – for me... As we walked he explained that as God was really Holy, then the presence of sin could not be within His presence (sin being wrong thoughts, words and deeds). I'll let him explain from here.

"So, Son of Adam, just up ahead of us lies the 'Fire Tunnel', by which you must pass through in order to decontaminate you from all of your sin."

'All of my sin....?' He makes it sound as if I have done millions of sins. I didn't think that I was that bad...

We entered a cavern type place and before me was something that resembled a huge long red wavy curtain. However, on closer inspection fire came up from the ground and spread out about 10 feet wide and more than 30 feet long.

"Son of Adam, please enter the 'Fire Tunnel' and..." Before he could continue,

"What? In there? You must be kidding?"

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