Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Two.

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  • Dedicated to Bernie Boy

Chapter 8: The divorcée: Part Two.

It's been over twenty years since I have left my church or is it that they really left me first? Abandoned me....

My depression is becoming deeper and deeper still. My mind has wandered into fits of poetry – If you can call it that? I include two examples:

Feeling Good?

To me,

feeling good is just a temporary feeling of general happiness

between the act of stumbling from one disaster to another.

It is a transient period,

which is an illusion,

a sustaining mirage,

which only dispels,

when the realisation of the next

problematic situation forces

its way into my frail eggshell mind

to deposit its message of

dirty do - do's.


H is for Happiness a word....

Happiness is only a state of mind adopted by the foolhardy.

It is a temporary illusion created by

the misapprehension that all is well.

Happiness has a finite quality, it has no substance.

One cannot touch it, yet one feels it!

It is the barbiturate of the people,

to slightly rearrange a phase.

The bitter pill of delusion swallowed

accidentally as one would a fly.

The mind numbing opiate that robs you of your reason.

Happiness is chased after as a lovesick boy

dotes on a pretty girl,

Happiness is pursued with the vigour

of an athlete for first prize.

Some would even place it higher than gold!!!!

Happiness always seems to be someone else's,

It eludes as the promise of gold at the end of the rainbow,

The eternal prize,

the 8th wonder of the World.

Alchemy or how they seem to make computer parts

so small nowadays???

It is as mythical as the Unicorn,

As unattainable as winning the Lottery

with a one pound ticket,

as unlikely as England beating the Germans in the World Cup.........Again?

Pigs stand a better chance of evolving wings,
than I do of finding Happiness.

If I stood still in a field long enough

I might get struck with a lightening bolt,

Or perchance a low flying pig...

People seem so Happy when they're Happy,

Are they Happy?

Who told them exactly what Happiness is

and how to behave once you found it?

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