The Book of Secrets: My first word of knowledge

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  • Dedicated to Juergen Senst

"The Book of Secrets"

My first word of knowledge

I want to backtrack for a moment here. My first 'Word of Knowledge' happened in about 1985, wow that seems a long time ago now. Yet as I sit here in Heaven surrounded by this very impressive library with "The Book of Secrets" reading itself into me, time has lost all meaning. Time does not 'hang heavy' here in Heaven as it did often on me on Earth, simply because time doesn't exist here.

       Anyway 1985 I was in a Spar supermarket shop to pick up my "Dole cheque" (unemployment money). As I entered the shop I passed two women talking happily in the aisle, one was tall about mid-thirties maybe and the other was shorter about late thirties early forties. They smiled as they chatted with each other. I passed by and got into the queue to stand in line. The smaller lady filed in directly behind me.

Now you have to remember two things:

a.)                           I was not thinking about being super spiritual at this particular time. I was just picking up my money and then going home.

b.)                           I had been seeking (in earnest) the gifts of the Holy Spirit (as in 1 Corinthians 12 verses 1 - 11) and especially "The Word of Knowledge", for about a year.

On with the story, well the lady behind the 'Deli' counter asked the woman behind me if she was alright. She returned the question with a definite,

"I'm fine thank you."

This was the moment, the actual moment for me as a little human being scratching around on planet earth for so long, that I heard a voice in my head, much like my own inner voice, but not my own say,

"You are not fine! In fact, you are the complete opposite!"

Yeah, I heard it as clear as a bell. I knew, that I knew, that I knew; that it was the Holy Spirit dropping this thought, this Word of Knowledge into my peanut of a brain. The situation 'in the natural' spoke quite differently. I'd seen the woman only a few moments earlier in happy conversation with her younger friend and in her reply, her voice showed no signs of anything but what she had said,

"I'm fine."

       Now, I ask you what do you do in such a situation? Do you immediately turn around and tell the woman that she is lying and the fact is you are really not 'fine' at all; in fact, you are the complete opposite! What do you say if she challenges your word with something such as,

"Well, how do YOU know?"

"God told me!!!"

The situation was too bizarre for that. She (plus everyone else within hearing) would think that I was nuts! What do I do after that? All I had was,

"You are not fine! In fact, you are the complete opposite!"

What do I do with that? Where does that lead to? I did not know! I knew that I knew that I knew - OK, except what am I going to do with this information? This was a public place and not a church or taking place in the comfort of someone's home during a home group meeting.

       Whilst I was dithering the woman behind the Deli counter asked the woman behind me what she would like to order. The woman behind me told her and then after bagging it up the woman from behind the Deli counter proceeded to bring the bag personally to the woman behind me.

"Wow!" I thought to myself, "How's that for service!?"

As she handed her the bag the woman behind me said something like,

"I didn't mean it!!! I'm so sorry!!! Blar – blar - blar..." and she started to cry and wail quite loudly right there in the middle of the supermarket! It was really quite a scene. In all my years I have never witnessed such a scene in a public place.

"Well, well, me oh my", I'm thinking to myself,

"I knew that! I knew that! I knew that!"

It was amazing she was just the opposite to that which she had appeared. Crying moaning, weeping the whole deal! OK fine, so I knew that... What do I do now, turn around and say, "I knew that, because God told me!"

Um it's too late now! Rats! I get my first Word of Knowledge, my very first, God spoke to me, the God of the Universe actually spoke to me and it came true, it was true, but, but, oh rats!

       I left the shop and got on my bicycle. As I cycled a few yards from the shop I asked God in a slightly petulant voice,

"Well God I got the Word of Knowledge, my first Word of Knowledge but I couldn't use it; I didn't know how to use it and it would have been too embarrassing, not to mention I did not know what to do with it! So God what was the point of all of that!?"

I shall never forget, for as long as I live, what I heard in my head in that 'other voice' that wasn't quite mine,

"That was just to let you know that you got the gift."

A smile came to my face, "Ooooh I see!"

       By the Grace of God I have had hundreds of Words of Knowledge since, a lot I have not recognised for one reason or another, some I 'sat on', some I gave and no one responded (however, some people responded after the meeting, after I'd looked a fool and as if I was wrong!). One guy came up to me after a meeting to say that it was him; and this was my very first ever NAME. I had a name, a first name and no one came forward. He thought that it might be him; his girlfriend told him that it was him, but he stayed firmly in his seat.

Sometimes FAITH is spelt RISK. Sometimes we have to be prepared to look fools for Christ. All I know is the Holy Spirit would look at a meeting and say to Himself something like this,

"Hum? Let me see now, whom can I trust to give the word and not to sit on it? Ah yes, I can trust him, he doesn't mind if he gets it wrong, he doesn't mind looking a fool for Christ; I'll give him the word."

       I've had pictures, pains in various parts of my body, seemingly unrelated pictures that actually pinpointed the person involved by these two pictures, feelings, impressions etc. etc. I've even heard of people who read the Word of Knowledge as if written on a scroll or like the old-fashioned ticker-tape machine printouts. I've had dreams, visions and so much more and in "The Book of Secrets" there are so many more different ways that God, via His Holy Spirit can 'speak' to you. Heh I've even heard of children doing this kind of stuff, as well as speaking 'The Word of the Lord' to you out of the mouths of babes.... Basically, God is very creative; just look at all the different varieties of plants, animals, fish, insects etc, etc. in this world. Heh just look at all the different types of mouths, feet, eyes creation has for performing all sorts of different tasks; there's so much creativity and God will get His message across to 'Believers' anyway He chooses.

And now I am going to tell you of a much more interesting way.... See the next Part – My First Translation (and I don't mean French into English).

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