He was interrupted by another piece of sausage smacking him in the head.

An eruption of giggles sounded from the other side of the table.

He sighed and closed his eyes…

I tensed up realizing that it was no longer funny to him… not that it ever was. They had taken it too far, even I knew that… but it honestly was still hilarious!!

I stifled a giggle and quickly turned it into a cough, trying not to taunt him any further as he turned towards the twins, his face contorting in anger.

Oh oh!!

“Graham…” sounded his dangerously, but barely controlled voice.

The twin’s faces dropped as their laughter died. It totally wasn’t funny anymore and they knew it! Pity it was too late.

I felt for them as I caught their terrified expressions. I knew they probably deserved whatever punishment was headed their way, and though I knew that Tristan would never physically harm his babies, I also knew he might get them where it hurts… like cancel the tea-cup ride, also known as their “circle-y”.

I couldn’t let him finish his sentence so I butted in before his next word, “—I’m sure that one was a mistake, wasn’t it Gray?” all three stared at me in surprise.

 I understood why, this was the first time I actually got involved whenever they had fights with each other. I usually stayed away from it to keep from interfering.

Tristan opened his mouth to say something again with his face still deeply annoyed but like the last time, I didn’t let him finish, “—Besides, I bet your food tasted as horrible as mine, didn’t it? I would also throw it out! Hey, why don’t we start heading out to our last ride! That would be fun, wouldn’t it?” I babbled on.

The boys looked relieved that I had come to their rescue and quickly shouted out their approvals.

“I know what you’re trying to do Aur.” He flatly stated, staring at me accusingly.

I blushed and gave him my biggest grin ever, “is it working?”

He carried on starring at me; silently considering me.

Finally the silence broke when he let himself smile softly and shake his head, mumbling to himself unintelligibly.

That was until a piece of lettuce smacked him in the cheek…

The boys didn’t even hide behind their hands this time as they held back from toppling over with glee.

Even I was shocked at the bravery this time! Did these kids want to die?!

Just as quickly as his anger had died, Tristan’s rage ignited with forceful righteousness.

“THAT’S IT!!” he roared as he shot up from the bench, glaring heavily at the stroller on the other side of the table.

I too was starring with wide eyes at the boys in the stroller. Are they seriously mad?! Why did they insist on pushing this man’s buttons?!!!

Their fear was evident in their glassy big blue eyes again as they tried to play off the innocent puppy look and my shock broke again. I couldn’t let those precious angels get punished so I also quickly got up and reached for the stroller as it was nearer to me.

“Yep! ‘That’s it’! We can’t sit here any longer! Why don’t I take the boys for a slow stroll towards the Tea-cu— I mean Circle-y while you go… uh… didn’t you say you needed the loo not so long ago?? Yeah you could go there! Then you can come meet us at the ride okay? Good plan right? Okay, see you there! Oh and take your time!” I rambled out as I hastily started pushing the stroller in the opposite direction of Tristan, not daring to look back at him in fear of catching his expression.

Prism Love (An Interracial Romance: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now