Chapter 34

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Grace's pov:

The week was going slowly, especially since it was school.

I was sat in English alone, because Storm was having to see a stupid councillor for no fucking reason, and Izzy was right at the front for talking too much, I mean come on, we were talking about the work, I guess, and Damien was sick. I groaned as the teacher droned on, and Mr. Whitehead looked at me and said "If your going to be rude, leave this classroom." I rolled my eyes, picked my bag up and walked out of the classroom, Izzy grabbed her bag and jogged along to join me. Storm had finished his shitty counselling session, and joined us in walking out of school.

We decided to go the nearest park, in which we sat in the woods, Storm asked "Why you walk out of class? Is Jake and Ella gonna be mad?" I shrugged and said "Teacher was pathetic, and I don't give a shit if they are mad, I'm sick of listening to Mr. Whitehead drone on and on, about the same thing." Izzy laughed,  shaking her head at me and said "Come to mine tonight." I nodded agreeing, Storm just smiled at us, and eventually, it was time for us to go home.

Storm walked back to Sammi and Jinxx's. I was going to Izzy's.

Izzy walked in and shouted "I'M HOME MUM!" Her Mum, came into the hallway and saw us and said "You skipped school, according to the teacher." Izzy sighed and I shrugged, Mrs. Christen look at us and let us off, she asked "You ok guys?" I nodded sitting at the kitchen table with Izzy, who smiled and said "Yep." Soon Izzy ran upstairs for a shower, Mrs. Christen looked at me and said "You don't look to happy." I shrugged for the 3rd time today and said "Stressed about school is all." She frowns and said "School's the hardest thing, but take my word for it, you'll soon want to go back."

Izzy comes down and kisses my cheek and says "Come on, lets go to my room, and watch YouTube for the rest of the night." I smiled at her Mum and headed off upstairs with her.

We were laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling, I got a text from an unknown number.

From: Unknown


Izzy looked at it and said "Yes you can. If you like both girls and guys, then that's fine." I chuckled at her and said "Yes I know, I do like both, but I love you lots." She smiles kissing me on the cheek, and says "I love you too."

She smiles softly, and we watched Damon Fizzy. We were soon called down for tea, so we headed down, and her mum had it all set up on the table, I sat down across from Izzy, and Mrs. Christen was sat at the head of the table. I was confused as to where her father was, so I asked "Erm, where's Mr. Christen?" Mrs. Christen looked at me and said "Well, he's arriving home in a moment." I nodded, smiling. He came home, and kissed her on the cheek, and said "Ahh, you must be Grace, I've heard a lot about you, all good things. I'm Mike (like Mike Fuentes :D Sorry) So you can call me Mike if you want. I see you've met Ann" I smiled, nodding, shaking his hand, I smiled at Ann, she smiled back, and Mike sat down for his meal, and we all chatted.

Izzy took me back to her room, she let me shower, and use some of her pyjama's.

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