Chapter 28

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Picture: Jake and Aiden

Storm's pov:

Me and Grace had used our weekend going out, with Ella and Jake, and today, we were back to school. Well at least Izzy, and Damien were going to be here, next year we turn 18 and finish school, ughh one year left.

Jake got in the car, and picked Izzy and Damien up on the way, this became our normal morning routine. It was awesome, and Jake was glad we found people, we enjoyed hanging out with. He loved it when they came over, because we all had a good joke around. We arrived at school, and he said "Try and make things interesting today, and Storm, try not to get any detentions, like you got one last year." I laughed, and said "I'll try Jake." He chuckles, rolls the windows up, and drives off to the studio.

We went and sat at our usual table, a few new students stared at us this year, but we glared at them, and they stopped looking, we sat down, and got on with our homework in silence. Well they sat down, I went to get our hot chocolates, and like usual, I was first, so I grabbed them, paid and went back to the table, humming along to a song. A few minutes later, it started pouring it down, so we ran inside, and sat near our lockers, doing our homework, trying to just finish the last bits of it. We didn't need detentions and stuff.

The bell went for first period, so we went to our first class, which had all of us in, which was eventful, the new maths teacher, liked us. But this was because they didn't really know how mischievous our class could be. I knew someone was planning something. Zeke, like usual, he was in most of our classes, and always bullied us at any chance he got. As for Kye, he just started backing off, it was weird, because something was wrong with him now.

I saw Kye at lunch, he was arguing with the football team, and it sounded something like this:

Kye: "I don't want to be on the football team no more. Its not my sport."

Zeke: "You can't just leave."

Kye: "You don't own me, and as for bullying the odd people, just stop. You don't know anything about them."

Zeke: "So, you joined in, and you know nothing about them."

Kye: "I'm done, I can't take it no more. I have a life, and things are happening, people change."

They kept arguing, then Kye got up and walked out, I sighed, and went to speak to him. I found him outside sat by a tree. I went and sat down beside him and said "I heard your argument, you know, I was wondering why you quit the football team." He sighed and said "I want to be friends with you guys, I'm sorry for being a bully in the past, I guess it's just because well, I kind of didn't know who to argue with, and I didn't want to get on their bad side, but I guess I am now, and I only befriended them, because I thought I could trust them. But clearly not." I sighed, and shook my head, and replied with "You can be friends with us." He smiled and thanked me, I got up and pulled him up, and said "Come to ours tonight or something, you can meet my parents." He nodded and we walked inside going to find my nerdy twin and our friends.

We eventually found them, sitting on the steps outside, I walked over to them, with Kye behind me, he was 6ft, and he was a year older than us, he smiled and said "Before you say anything, I'm sorry for the way I treat you, its just that I wanted to be friends with you, but the football team wouldn't let me, they convinced me you were outcasts, and I believed that for a while, and then I realised, I am just as much an outcast, and I don't belong on the team with a bunch of twats like them. So I'm really sorry, and I hope we can be friends." They all stared at him, but me, Grace nodded, accepting it, Izzy smiled, shaking his hand, and Damien just grinned at him, I smiled and said "He's coming over tonight, to meet our parents." Grace grinned, nodding her head.

Once school had ended, all 5 of us, decided walking back home was the best, because there was no way 6 people could fit in a car, that had 5 seats. Jake was ok with not picking us up, and told us to be safe. So we decided to get to know Kye a little bit more. So Kye said "Well heres some facts about me:

- My full name is Kye Monte Welsh

- I'm 18 (meaning he graduates this year )

- My birthday is 4th January 1999

- I have no siblings

- I listen to bands and singers like: Black Veil Brides, Nirvana, Falling In Reverse, Avril Lavigne, Juliet Simms, Of Mice and Men, My Chemical Romance, and so on.

- I don't look as though I listen to that type of music but I do.

And that's just a bit about me."

Everyone took it in turns to tell about themselves. And eventually Damien reached his house and left us, with Izzy, but eventually we got to her house, and she left. And then it was just us 3. Like the 3 musketeers.

We got to our house, and we walked down the driveway, Ella, and Jake weren't in the house, when we looked, so we went to the back yard, and Ella was with Jake in the pool, I grinned when Kye saw Jake, he gasped, and said "You live with your adopted father, who happens to be Jake Pitts, and his fiancée Ella Cole, the most stunning model in the universe." I chuckled and nodded, he grins and goes "Wow, never expected this." Jake and Ella looked over, Ella shouted us over. So we walked over to her, and she said "Who's this?" We looked at Kye and said "This is Kye, our new friend, we had some problems before, but we have sorted them out now." She smiles and shakes his hand.

We decided to join them in the pool, so we went and got our swimming suits on, I realised Kye didn't have one, so I gave him my spare one, and invited Eugenia around, who accepted. She came over, after about 10 minutes, because I was waiting for Kye to come out the bathroom, because he didn't know his way around our house yet. I got the door and took Eugenia and Kye outside, and I introduced them to each other. They got along, and became good friends.

I jumped into the pool and splashed around for a while. Ella and Jake made a barbeque, and we ate hot dogs and burgers, and then we decided to go back in the pool.

When Kye left, it was 10pm, and I headed up to my room and Grace to hers, after saying night to everyone, for an hour I laid in bed, and followed, retweeted and favourited some of the BVB army members. I put my phone down, and soon fell slowly into a deep, dark sleep.

A/N - The guy with the hat on is Damien :) 2 updates in one day, maybe another one soon. Love y'all ~ Ashleigh

 Love y'all ~ Ashleigh

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