Chapter 21

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----------------Day of ATL concert----------------

Grace's pov:

Jake dropped us off at the venue and said "Stay safe. I'll be picking you up when it ends." We nodded, and went to get in line, being an hour early. We were dancing around waiting for the doors to be opened.

When they were opened, we ran to the front, so we could get the best places. Being right at the front was the best. First Rian ran on stage, waving to us all, with his drumsticks, then Zack ran on, blowing us kisses, his guitar swinging on his back, then Jack ran on, all hyped up, and Alex came running on, laughing and he jumped on Jack before kissing him and getting off to start.

"Hellloooooo where ever the fuck we are guys." Alex said. Everyone laughed at that comment, and then Jack shouted "First song is your choice." Lots of fans went wild, but me and Izzy screamed "DEAR MARIA, COUNT ME IN!!!!!!!!!!!!" They listened to us and Alex said "The two girls at the front win, we are singing: DEAR MARIA COUNT ME IN!!!"

They sang that, and we all sang along, me and Izzy rocking along with them.

When they had finished their set, we went to meet them, they signed our posters and took photos with us, and thanked us for coming to the show. We walked out the venue and went to find Jake's car.

After about half an hour of looking, we finally found it, we smiled and got in, Jake looked at us and asked "Good show?" We looked at each other, grinning, and shouted "FUCK YES!!!!!!!!" Jake chuckled and drove us home.

We got back to Izzy's and dropped her off, then we went home, and I walked through the door, tired, so I went to bed, and relaxed for a bit, til I fell asleep.

A/N- Sorry for being a crappy update, being really busy and stuff, and really stressed out, and in all honesty, I forgot about my books, oops, haha, love y'all ~ Ashleigh xx

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