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Alden noticed the two moving trucks parked in front of the house opposite theirs, that had been for sale for 3months, as he passed by on his way home from school. The house, that had been left by the previous owners who went abroad, was currently buzzing with activity as boxes upon boxes were being carried by able bodied men inside. He stopped for a bit, curious of who the new owners were but there wasn't anyone outside except for the movers. He was about to head home when the front door opened and out came a girl on a wheelchair. She was about 13, her long hair tied back to reveal a very pretty face but was distorted by the oxygen hose placed on her nose. She was hugging a yellow teddy bear. Behind her was an older man, probably her father.

"Would you be fine here while we fix the house?" Alden heard him say.

The girl looked up and smiled. She answered, "yes, Dad. I have a book here I can read. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

Her dad kissed her head before he headed back inside. The girl kept her face directed at the door, where her father disappeared, for a few more seconds before she took the book that was lodged at the side of the chair. She opened it and started reading.

Alden was about to turn and head home when the girl looked up and their eyes met. She has the most expressive brown eyes that Alden has ever seen. Despite the oxygen hose wrapped around her nose, her eyes tell a different kind of strength within her. He was mesmerized for a moment until the girl looked down back to her book.

Alden blinked twice as if woken from a trance. He shook his head slightly and then he turned around towards his own house.

When Alden turned towards his home, the girl named Maine looked up once more. She was intrigued by her new neighbor. He was cute even with his glasses on. He looked to be about 16. This house must have been abandoned for a long time that the boy got curious on who were the new residents. Maine hoped that he was curious enough to approach her. It seemed very lonely to always be alone with only books for company. One friend would make her ordeal better, especially in a new neighborhood. She wished it would be the boy next door. He seemed nice enough.

Maine sighed. That's what you get from reading too much, you start to believe in fairy tales, she thought to herself.

Sighing once more, she turned back to her book and started reading again. Little did she know that she was about to get her wish.

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