After about ten minutes of waiting around in the cold air a bus pulls up to the bus stop we are at which is only a mile away from the Glen Capri. The three of us break our penguin huddle we have formed to keep warm and turn to the doors of the bus. The driver opens the bus doors for the three of us to find us, wearing only shoes, pants, socks, and bras. The driver gives us a smirk that would make any girl feel ashamed of herself in that moment. It was kind of like after a one night stand walking out the next morning and then seeing the guy smiling at you at the coffee cart when all you want to do is run, hide, and erase that night from existence. Well in our cases this guy was an old friend which was even worse than a stranger finding us at a bus stop half naked.  The driver is wearing a smile like the devil as his eyes linger on our feminine features.

We all cover our chests as the driver bites back his lip, "well hello ladies," Theo says licking his lips playfully at the three of us. "Just your luck if you hop on the bus right now we can do some Netflix and Chill with my laptop," Theo suggests taking his laptop out of the carrier for the bus driver to put his belongings in.  "Or we can have a foursome in the back," Theo flashes a smile at the three of us staring at our chests obviously trying to find a spot that exposed our breasts.  He then continues chewing his blue gum and stares at every feature, every curve, and every outline on Lydia's body.  She saunters onto the bus, swinging her hips back and forth before taking a seat on his lap. His hands cling to her waist once she sits on his right knee. 

Lydia runs her fingers through her strawberry blonde locks pushing it behind her back revealing her skin, she wraps her red fingernails around his neck, then whispers in his ear just loud enough for me to hear her, "when we do foursomes we don't do them in the back. We do them in a special my bedroom. If you take us back to Beacon Hills then the bus won't be the only thing us three are riding tonight," he snickers and grins like a school boy. Lydia puts her pointer finger in her mouth lazily playing with her bottom lip.

"How do I know you aren't pulling my strings? Besides, judging by that ring, aren't you married?" Theo asks probably thinking this was all too good to be true like he was on Cloud 9 and afraid to fall off.

Lydia tugs on the collar of Theo's jacket making him enjoy this encounter even more, "I need someone to satisfy my needs...sexually," as I hear the words come out of her mouth it is like the poisonous fruit.  Enjoyable and edible, but it's aftertaste is venomous and toxic.  "Besides Stiles isn't cutting it anymore." She grabs Theo tighter by the neck her fingernails were probably puncturing his skin leaving a mark. "I need a change.  One that you will most likely satisfy," her bottom lip grazes his lip.  Lydia is just dangling herself in front of him like a cat with the red laser, slowly pulling it away when it gets close.  She untangles her hands from his neck and slip them up his shirt rubbing up-and-down his chest.  "Anyways why do you even care, it was your suggestion in the first place, and well do you see any of our husbands here? No! That's because tonight is girl's night and on girl's night we do the dangerous, unforgettable, and wild things that would drive anyone insane," she enunciates each word convincing Theo to take us back home.   Before teasing her tongue as she bites it in between her lips.

"Can I get some payment before we leave?" Theo questions smiling live the devil.

"Does this work?" Lydia gives Theo a passionate kiss that looked like it was full of hunger and practically could be described as sex with their mouths. It's one of those kisses when you watch those romantic movies with the people just screwing each other and labeling it as 'friends with benefits', and watching it you yearn for that to happen to you.  

I am in utter shock at Lydia betraying Stiles like that and then I realized my friend wouldn't cheat on anyone especially her husband. Then I remember this is Lydia Martin.  As in she runs this show, she is always in control and doesn't show her vulnerability or weaknesses.  Lydia Martin was the Master of Manipulation.  Playing, foiling, plotting ways to make sure that she gets what she wants.  As of right now, I know that she wants to be wrapped up in Stiles' arms, not Theo's.  Now maybe it's best friend's intuition, but once their lips part from one another, I am proven correct.  

Without hesitation, she punches Theo in the nose.  He clutches his nose for a second flinching at the pain and then Lydia knees him in the groin.  Lydia then throws another punch at his face.  May I just say my best friend is a bad ass, because she knocked him out cold, even though he is a werewolf. Lydia shakes her fist as she winces, she then tries dragging his body off of the driver seat and to the back of the vehicle. "Well, are you guys going to help or not?" Lydia asks exasperated from trying to lug his body off of the gray leather material of the driver's seat.

Kira and I snap out of our trance of how astonishing and bad ass Lydia is, leading Theo on like he had a chance with not only her but Kira and me too, it was pure comedy once you understood the intent. "So why did you kiss him? Couldn't you have punched him and then been done with it?" Kira asks as I drag Theo across the aisle of the empty bus by his legs.

"Well Kira, let's just say leading him on has been one of the highlights of my day. Not only that, but it is also what I like to call revenge for treating Malia poorly, us girls have to look out after each other. Right? Plus knowing the version of Theo from high school you should know that he is never going to change his ways, because he is selfish and only cares about himself. So I had a little fun and seduced him to get his guard down, and it is all history from their. Kira if your worried about Stiles don't worry he would understand, he would actually approve because he has a deeper hatred of Theo more than I do. Knowing Stiles he would crack up at the fact that Theo even had the slightest thought that me and him were going to hook up," she explains sitting in the drivers seat. "So how about if we go and get some clothes that aren't scorched before we go to Eichen and meet up with everyone?"

"Lydia, but didn't the speaker system say that Scott and Isaac were going to the high school?" I ask leaning over the driver seat where Lydia is sitting.

"Allison I have a feeling that one way or another where ever we go we are going to end up back at Eichen," she adds.

"I guess your right," I reply. "Let's get there before anyone ends up dead."

Kira nods in agreement as Kira and I take our seats behind the driver seat as Lydia turns on the engine.


After driving in the bus for about thirty minutes I make a confession to Kira and Lydia.  "Before you yell at me or anything I never threw back the flash drive."

"What do you mean Kira and I both saw you throw it?  With our own eyes," Lydia turns around stopping the bus.

"Technically yeah I did throw him a flash drive, but turns out it wasn't his."

"Then what's the one you gave him?" Kira asks.

"Issac and I from our family trip to Hawaii.  I removed the label from the drive and since it was the exact same brand and color as the flash drive we found in the closet, I switched them," I explain to them.  "So can you hand me Theo's laptop so I can see what's so important on this one and why the person demanded to have it?"  I ask.

Lydia takes the laptop out of the carrier and passes it to me.  I turn it on and there is no password lock on the laptop.  Typical Theo.  I plug in the drive and man oh man did we hit the gold mind?  "BINGO!"


Thoughts about chapter and Lydia, Allison, and Kira trio. It is so hard to find pictures of the three of them together in scenes by themselves. It is so much easier to find Lydia, Malia, and Kira together. I guess because Allison stepped down a post kind of and Kira took her spot as Scott's new love interest. Either way, I think that it would have been a good scene for Lydia and Allison to accept/welcome Scott's new girlfriend at like a sleepover at Lydia's or something in Season 3B.  Just a cute idea I have.  Thoughts?

Anyway, I hope you still liked reading it can't really write a lot.

Also, check out chapter one of IF THE SHOE FITS!

Thanks to all the people who read the bold text and if you are one of those people who has just skipped all of this thanks for being eager to read more if not that's cool too that you made it this far.


Rose :)

A Beacon Hills Reunion-STYDIA AUWhere stories live. Discover now