5. Flights and Bump Ins

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Jackson, Aiden, Ethan, Danny, and I are heading to the landing area that Kira had planned to pick us up since we would be traveling in her private jet. Today is the day that we are all going to fly down to Boca Raton for a nice and overdue vacation.

We walk on the blacktop towards a private jet that says, Fox Fire, promoting Kira's fashion brand. I see Kira waving and I notice that her hair is in long curls, and corresponds quite nicely with her medium brown highlights.  She is wearing black bug-eyed sunglasses with a pair of matching black heels along with a blue maxi dress.  Looking at her you can tell that she has definitely changed since high school.  Her outfit and her hair radiate her confidence. Kira struts like a supermodel towards us with her shoulders back, showing off her matching black necklace.

"Hey, guys!  Ready to go!" She continues before any of us can give her an answer. "Real quick, before we board I need hugs!"  Kira says with glee, motioning us to come and hug her.  She jumps towards us trying to form a group hug,  but her heels get stuck to the bottom of the fabric of her dress, causing her to trip and fall flat on the concrete.

We all rush to her aid to make sure she is alright.  "Kira, are you okay?"  Jackson asks with concern as he kneels down.

"I'm good.  I'm good.  Can someone help me up please?"  Kira asks while giggling as Aiden and I help her get back on her feet.  "Let's go!  Before I fall again," Kira jokes trying to laugh it off.

Kira may have a different wardrobe now, but you can't change the person no matter what clothes you put them in. She is still the same adorable clumsy person that we all know and love.


We then load our luggage onto the plane.  Danny and Ethan pick up my luggage and place it in the overhead compartments.  After we all get situated and the jet takes off, I skim through a few magazines reading about all the gossip about celebrities in LA and then I make an attempt to write a sequel to my book on my laptop.  My publisher won't stop pestering me for a sequel.  I think the perfect sequel to my book could be about my two main characters meeting each other again and reuniting in some spontaneous way.  Someone once said, "write what you know." So why can't I?

On the plane ride there, everyone fell asleep except for me, so I begin to work on the first chapter of my sequel.  Typing in ideas, setting, and new characters that might be a good option to explore.  A few minutes later, Kira wakes up and comes over to sit next to me.  I close the lid of my laptop and I notice she is holding the book I wrote in her hand as she fiddles with the pages.

I say to her, "whatcha got there?"

"Some book I'm reading.  It's amazing.  Stiles told me about it and I can't put it down.  He is practically obsessed with it," Kira says as she waves the book back and forth.

"What does he think is so great about it anyways?" The conversation now became interesting and I wanted to know what Stiles' thought of the book I wrote.

"Where do I begin," she sighed. "Well first of all he loves the style that the author writes in and he obsesses over the metaphors. From time to time, he will make references or quote the book.  At some times, he could be considered a fan girl.  Then he sometimes calls me every so often just to rant over the book.  Sometimes he is so focused in his rant, I can't even get him off the phone. He told me he read it sixteen times and that it get's better each time he reads it,"  I listen as I am amazed that Stiles read my book.  "The author goes by Lucinda Davina.  Although Stiles knows its only a pseudonym, he tries to figure out who the author is.  He thinks that a young woman in her late twenties or early thirties because of the references they make in the book."  After Kira finishes speaking, I contemplate on if I should tell her that I am the author.  After all Jackson, Aiden, Ethan, and Danny all know. So maybe I should confess to writing it? However I decide not to.

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