Ch 7. Sudden Change

Start from the beginning

"It's like this!" his light voice echoed as he showed me how to open with dragging up the doorhandle, then to the right, turn and then open. Even though I knew the whole formula or whatever it is it was a whole other story to really do it by yourself. I had always been embarrassed and told him thanks, running away to my house. But those times are over and I shouldn't be thinking about them now.

"Don't stand there like an idiot."

My head shot up and I noticed that he was behind me. He grinned and said that he bought some snacks before going home. I followed him in and we went to his room. I took our papers and started writing.

"So what's with scene 6?" I asked and pointed at my paper with my pencil. He shrugged his shoulder.

"How about that's the scene he meets the princess the second time?" I nodded and wrote it down. I couldn't help realizing that I was the only one determined to work on it, by the way I was the only one approaching him concerning the project. He just sat there, staring at me. I felt self conscious but stopped it because it would only make me nervous.

I was almost done and regretted coming here, when I could have done it alone at home without his staring since he does nothing anyway.

"Want to eat something?" he suggested? I didn't want it because eating will make my time here longer but he insisted, telling me he wanted at break.

"I'll stay here and work on it." I said and started writing. He sighed and got out of his seat. I really thought that he was going to leave but he suddenly grabbed my arm, leading me down the stairs. He has gotten really strong compared to before I had to admit.

"Fine, fine! Let me go, I'll go okay?" I whined and he let off my arm as I followed him. He took the chips he bought earlier and went to watch TV. I sat to the couch in the middle and he laid down, taking he whole space of the big couch at the side.

Turning channels all the time there was nothing interesting on. It landed on a channel and I saw the old version of Knight Rider.

"Turn off that shit!" I automatically yelled and noticed that he was groaning something like "Ugh.", just at the same time as my little breakout. He chuckled at my big reaction to Knight Rider and before I knew it we were laughing our asses off. We really are alike.

He turned to the next one and I saw Spongebob.

"Yes." I mumbled and caught him grinning to me. He put down the remote. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea after all. It's just like the old times. And I had to admit that I miss those times.

I heard the doorbell ring. I left my seat and went to the door. I sighed when I realized that I couldn't open the door.

"Is it your mom?" I shouted to him and heard him come.

"No, she'll be back at 10..." he mumbled and I gave the door a try. First, drag up the doorknob. Then to the right, turn and open! Tada! No, there's no tada because I failed cheese balls.

"You still can't open it?" he chuckled and opened it for me, stretching out his arms around me when I was just going to get out of his way. The door opened and I met smiles. But those smiles couldn't be any faker and they all belonged to the cheerleaders and the jocks. Why are they here?!

"Did you invite them?" I forcefully asked him and he shook his head. He was telling the truth with the nervousness around him.

"Hi Matt!" Misty smiled and hugged him. They stormed in. Like a tornado.

"What are you all doing here?!" Matt practically yelled. They laughed it off.

"Misty heard that you've got a party going on dude!" Alexander, Matt's best friend shouted and clung all over him.

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