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19.3 - Is It Magic?

~ Niall ~

As I stand near the chair in Robyn's room, I notice her scent lingering this side of the room more than last time. I pull off my shoes and my jeans, putting them under and on the chair. Sitting down on the side of the bed I used to sleep on, I notice Robyn's scent is now buried in the pillow.

The sound of the bathroom door opening makes me look round to see her stood in one of my t-shirts, shorts peeking out from underneath. Her hair tumbles down, the blue taking up more of her hair than three days ago due to her shifting into Teila.

"Why's your scent this side?" I ask curiously.

"Couldn't sleep this side after you left. Slept that side as it was easier," Robyn says avoiding my eyes as she sits down on the bed.

I gently place my hand under her jaw and tilt her head up slightly so she will meet my eyes. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. At least you could sleep. I started painting that at one in the morning, stopped with the background at eleven in the morning." I point out the canvas painting of her wolf hanging above her light blue box and a couple of other boxes.

"What? In that much detail?"

"Yeah. Good eyesight because of my ears. Hands don't shake. Decent paintbrushes that Peter got me."

"Oh. That's amazing considering you hadn't slept."

"I did the Pikachu one naked."

"I doubt that." Robyn laughs, leaning into me. "You were probably lounging in your Chip and Dale boxers."

I blink down at Robyn, trying to figure out how she knows about those. "What was Ethan doing when you were yelling at me down the phone?"

"Jess was pulling your shorts down as she clung to your leg." Robyn stills as if she's realised what she just said.


"Since the accident Ethan and I have been interlinked in a weird way. The doctors don't know how to explain it. It's like we inhabit each other as we can share hearing or eyesight that we are getting at that moment. If it is eyesight then the one sharing is normal, their eyes hazy, the one receiving has their eyes shut to view it. We can change each others eye colour if the one who has their eyes shut opens one of their eyes."

"That's weird." I move slightly on the bed, then I nestle my head in her neck. After placing a kiss there, I move my lips to her ear as Robyn grips my arm. "What happens if one of you has sex?" I whisper, fully aware Ethan is stood the other side of the shut bedroom door.

"I don't know, neither of us have."

Fleck purrs quietly at that news, however, the dumbass should have known that as her scent hasn't got a masculine one mixed in with it. Idiot.

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