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9.3 - Missing Her

~ Niall ~

I stare at my ceiling in the low light from my bedside table as I lay on my hands so I don't set my alarm to wake up to meet Robyn as she still hasn't been found.

My eyes drift over to the wolf painting on my wall which took the longest to paint out of my whole room. Let me just say, wolves are harder to paint than you think...

Ethan wanted me to meet him for his patrol but I said no, I need to think of a plan. Although, he did mention he replaced Maeve with Quincy for patrol ten minutes behind him. Quincy is more likely to pick up my scent and be uneasy.

Sitting up suddenly, I go over to my desk and pull out a map of the White (my) territory, the Winters territory and the neutral territory around them. There are thirty red circles already on the map, ten already with crosses through. I've swept five each day the past two days. However, I think I'm going to have to push it to ten tomorrow and the day after so hopefully Robyn's pack get her back quicker.

I think their state is going to get worse day by day, but hopefully we should be able to find Robyn soon. With more people, it should be easier to sweep through all of those houses but I have to do it with Robyn's Beta team. No one else can know otherwise they might move her or attack when their safe house has been compromised.

We already know they work well as a team as proven by them eliminating mum, Uilleam took Grace down single-handedly, don't know how they got Pat, and managed to take Robyn.

This really isn't going to be easy...

With a sigh, I roll up the map and put it away again, locking the desk drawer in case someone sneaks in.

I look around my room to see the painted vivid detail of the grass, meadow flowers, trees, clouds, moon and then the three wolves. Hopefully I can have a friendship with the twins like that again, it's been lonely without them around.

Quickly I peel off my t-shirt, then my shorts and finally my socks just leaving me in my boxers before padding into my en-suite bathroom and cleaning my teeth.

When I've finished I look at my reflection in the mirror. My appearance has diminished slightly in the past couple of days, but not as much as Ethan and Trix.

If anything, Darre doesn't seem that fazed by the fact Robyn has gone missing, he's only been agitated about me possibly being Robyn's mate and taking her from her pack.

Does he really think Robyn is a loyal Alpha or does he think she planned this to get away from the pack?

I know he got the job by inheritance and he is a friend of the twins, but is his heart really in the role?

I don't rate him as a Beta at all, Jackson would be more like Trix if I went missing, even Adam would and he's not a massive people person, but he seems unaffected by his Alpha's disappearance.

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