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9.2 - Missing Her

~ Niall ~

"Why did you trust me with this information if one of us is a traitor to our pack?" Jackson whispers in the corner of the library as we sit in the hiding spot.

"Fleck said the two helping Uilleam has Beta blood. Oliver, or whoever he actually is, has Beta blood and so does the traitor that's one of my friends. That narrows it to Cian and Stephen," I murmur.


"Tell me about it. They've seen all the shit I've done since she's been taken so they're probably laughing at me right now. I just don't know what to do, Jac." I rest my head on Jackson's shoulder causing him to wrap an arm around my slouched shoulders. I'm half lead down in the small space so my head rests at the same height as his.

"Couldn't you open up to Di about this?"

"Trix is clinging to her at the moment and I doubt she would be happy if I take Di away for a small chat."

"That is true. I wonder how Rob is going react to that."

"She's fine with Ethan being gay so it won't be a big deal."

"Ethan's gay?" Jackson shouts causing me to face palm.

"Tone your voice down," I hiss.

"Oops," Jackson mumbles sheepishly. I sit up completely and he smirks up at me. "Ethan's gay?" He whisper-exclaims.

I roll my eyes at his attempt at humour. "Yeah, Alphas know their orientation better than other wolves."

"Wow. Who else is do you know of?"


"What! Even after what Rob said when they first got introduced?"

"My guess is he's bi with a preference for guys. Obviously, the guys' scents didn't differ from his own that much or she thought it was his scent completely."

"That's true actually, that may have been why Rob said he seemed the poster boy for a controlling jock. The overwhelming masculine scent must have triggered the guess of jock rather than bi." I hum an agreement before fiddling with the sleeve hem of my long sleeve t-shirt of light summery material. Jackson notices my diverted attention. "What did he do this morning?"

With a small sigh, I look at Jackson with tired eyes as my mask slips. "Found Ro's scent in my room. He flipped his shit by throwing a vase which smashed against the wall beside me making a piece rebound to cut my arm. That along with the five kicks my ribs I got, well, meant to be five but two got my arm."

"Shit. That's crappy, dude..." Jackson trails off and looking away before he looks at me abruptly. "Wait, did you say Rob's scent in your room?"

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