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16.2 - Dreams Compared To Reality

~ Robyn ~

"Hey, Alpha, how was the dream?" Indigo asks as she steps in my office before Trix.

I drop my pen as she startles me and I look up at her while taking my headphones out of my ears. The packet lied, they aren't noise cancelling. Well, not if you're an Alpha, unfortunately for me. "The dream?" I ask trying to play it off.

"Ethan told me you had another one. I can see if it's a dream or vision if you want."

My eyes widen as I stare at Indigo. Last time someone did that it didn't end pretty, dad nearly ripped them apart.

"Vi, I don't think that's a good idea," Trix mutters.

"Niall lets me do it," Indigo replies as if it's a day to day task, for her it probably is.

"Last time, the person nearly got ripped to shreds as they tried manipulating Rob."

"Well, they're a dick." Indigo turns to me, looking at me with pleading eyes. "Please, I looked at one of Niall's last week and it wasn't a dream, it was actually a vision and obviously he hasn't been in for me to check." That is true. So, fortunately, he's missed the times Darre had come up behind me and kissed my cheek. It isn't the same as his. "I'll only look at last night's dream. You trust me, right?"

"Fine, just last night's," I say.

Indigo perks up a little. "What about last Friday morning?" She asks carefully.

"I didn't have one then."

"Or you forgot that you had one as you had a nightmare after or it progressed into a nightmare."

"If you want to then go ahead, I doubt you'll find anything there."

Indigo comes around and leans on the desk between my swivel chair and the desk itself. "I probably will. Your dream probably lasted longer than Niall's, he always ends up remembering the good bits or has a short dream."

"And you're telling me this because?"

Indigo freezes as she brings her hands up. "No reason just wanted to fill dead air." Her hands come up to my temples, two fingers resting on each one. "Just a warning, I reduced Niall to tears last week because I went through his memories."

"That's reassuring."

Indigo laughs quietly as her eyes slip shut. "Rob, shut your eyes, otherwise, this won't work." I hesitate which Indigo notices. "I'm just looking at last night's dream and then the Friday morning, okay? Nothing else. I'm not going to get you crying like Niall as honestly I broke down also. Trust me, you don't want to go through his mind."

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