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10.2 - The Alpha Inside

~ Niall ~

Feet pound down the corridor before they skid to a stop outside the psychology room. The door opens and Ethan leans against the door frame, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Ethan... What a surprise to see you here?" The psychology teacher says but it comes out more as a question.

"I need to talk to a couple of people from your class, there was a development," Ethan states as his eyes watch the teacher.

"You asshole, Eth, you could have slowed down," Darre mutters. I can't help chuckling as I pack up my stuff quickly. Behind me, the twins and Trix are doing the same.

"Couldn't you use your mind-link?"

"Nope, because the other two wouldn't move even if a family member told them to move. Besides, I only have a mind-link with one of them, sir, so it wouldn't have worked."

"Family? We don't- oh..." The teacher looks away from the door when I'm halfway out of my seat with my bag on my back ready to go. I smile at him sheepishly in response. "I keep forgetting the twins."

"Well, they're dizygotic twins so that's understandable. Rob and I are monozygotic twins so it's easier to tell."

The teacher seems to click why Ethan had come to the class then. "Want me to contact Lee?"

"No. This does not leave this classroom," I respond.

The teacher raises an eyebrow baffled by my tone. The whole class looks at me as well, Indigo and Jackson smirking slightly.

"That's how you tell they're twins," Ethan comments. I bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself laughing.

"I apologise for my tone, but this cannot leave the room. Sir, if you know what the prophecy means then you know why this can't get out," I say with my voice considerably lighter than it was.

"And gained mistrust... How close is the leak?" The teacher asks.

I glance at Ethan who gives me the tiniest of nods to say the corridor is clear and that he abandoned whoever he was with in my Beta team in the class with no idea what was going on. "Too close in both cases."


"Both. Ro did mention that at the training for anyone that was there. But none of what happened here needs to leave this room. Do I make myself clear?" The people in the class nod at me as I walk towards the door.

Indigo, Jackson and Trix trail behind me before the teacher decides to speak up. "Why do you have a possessive streak of only you calling Rob Ro?"

"Please don't give me a psychoanalysis now, sir."

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