7 - It Happens Because Of Her

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7 - It Happens Because Of Her...

~ Robyn ~

* 1 day later (April 2018) *

Just as I go to peel away from my patrol path to head towards home, my nose catches a scent. I crouch slightly and look round, pinpointing the scent to an approaching wolf, one that seems familiar to think of it. Niall.

I shift forms as I watch him. "Cutting it fine," I comment.

Niall shakes himself out before shifting forms as well. "Actually, no, I'm not. You've finished early," Niall says slowly. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

I check my phone and frown slightly. How am I here early? Looking behind me, I spot nothing different to any night, I may have just walked faster than normal. "Yeah, must have walked faster than usual." I frown slightly looking round again.

Niall tilts his head slightly to the side as he watches me. "You're still anxious." His comment catches me off guard so my head whips round to look at him.

"Wait, what?"

"So, that's yes."

"How do you know?"

"You're always looking over your shoulder when you are anxious. I've seen you do it numerous times: school; my party; on the way to and from meetings; when we're together-"

"You've made your point." I sigh glancing away and, ironically, over my shoulder.

"No. You just made it for me." His tone is cocky but he's wearing a serious expression on his face, one that you can only get in training for Alpha or having to put a mask on to cover emotions which is both by his situation.

"It's just what he said haunts me but he's already left."

"He's definitely gone?"

"He's not in the pack-house, all his stuff has gone. Not that he had a lot anyway."

Niall looks away in thought; we still have a few minutes until Darre is coming to take over patrol. "Any places he could go?"

"Not in my territory. It's a tight ship and nothing gets past anyone. It has to be in neutral territory, they wouldn't risk being in either of the territories as we could pinpoint their hideout easily."

Niall hums an agreement and goes to say something but starts scrambling quickly up a tree. I watch in confusion before noticing Darre's scent. My mind needs to stop being one tracked when I'm talking to Niall like this.

With a smirk, I turn round to greet Darre. He smirks back at me before giving me a high-five. "Rob, I take you were eager to get your shift over tonight," Darre comments.

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