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16.5 - Dreams Compared To Reality

~ Robyn ~

"You asshole! You shouldn't have done that!" Tash screams at Darre as I glare at him. We're now standing in the exclusively-werewolf part of the shopping centre so no humans are around.

"And why the hell not?" Darre replies.

"Because she's not your mate, asshole!"

"Then whose mate is she?" Tash opens her mouth then abruptly shuts it. "You know mate pairings yet you won't clear up mysteries. You won't tell Ethan his, nor will you tell Rob hers. What are you so desperately trying to hide?"

"Darre Jones, that is enough!" I state, the tone of my voice making the werewolves around us still. "Tash has perfectly good reasons not to say in case rejection occurs or false hope if someone's mate pairing gets changed because their original mate got killed.
"You do not demand answers like that from your sister as that isn't how a brother should act at all. All you've been since you've got the Beta position from your dad is an asshole as you've let the power go to your head.
"You act like you're better than Ethan, you're clearly not. You've been a complete dick to Ethan since you've stepped up by walking all over his feelings. You've manipulated him in his head, you've worked your way in there and you're hurting him. Which in turn hurts me and I'm fed up. He's in a higher position then you are for a damn good reason and you better accept that.
"I am not impressed with the number of times I have had to use my Alpha tone with you and you have pushed Ethan so far he's had to use his. You are the only person he's had to use that tone for as he's a pretty patient guy but you pushed him way past his limit! Especially making fun of a dead Luna of the neighbouring pack while pretending you didn't know!
"You need to shape up and be a real Beta otherwise I'm stripping you of your title by the end of the month!"

The hisses are obvious at certain revelations within my speech and I sense Ethan frozen just inside the werewolf section, multiple scents behind him.

"You do know the end of the month is in five days, Alpha?" JJ questions quietly.

My glare rounds on him quickly causing him to shrink back. "Jude, I know damn well when the end of the month is thank you very much. How dare you suggest I do not?! Are you really sticking up for your brother after everything I just said?" I snap.

"No, Alpha. I'm just saying an asshole can't change in five days.

Tash snickers behind me, however, someone steps towards us.

"Actually, Jude, that's where you are wrong," Niall states. My spine goes rigid, now realising why Teila was banging her head against the wall I had placed. Why am I surprised he's still here? "Cian changed in two when he met Malia."

"Actually- never mind, you're right," Cian comments.

Why the hell are they here as well? It was just Indigo and Niall.

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