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17.5 - Her Scent

~ Robyn ~

Standing on the dance floor with Indigo and Trix, I feel him arrive and look between my friends nervously. "I have to tell you guys something," I mind-link them.

"What is it?" Indigo replies as Trix knocks back a vodka shot barely flinching at the burn.

"The reason I skipped school was because I couldn't face Niall after everything that happened recently. It turns out the visions were true, we're actually mates."

Trix spits the next shot back into its glass. "You're kidding?" She asks in the link. I shake my head slightly and she looks at me with wide eyes. "Oh, this just got interesting. He mentioned your nutmeg scent at lunch. He was really confused."

"Hey, Alpha," Tash comments sliding up to beside me with a smirk. "I noticed you skipped today." I glare at her from behind my mask making her laugh. "Mate will be in here in five minutes, have fun. I think he's waited long enough." I continue glaring at her and she walks off laughing to herself.


~ Niall ~

The scent hits me again making me shift agitatedly on my feet. Cian and Jackson glance at me. "Found it again?" Jackson mind-links.

"Yeah," I reply. The two of them share a look and father glances back to check we're all here. He smirks slightly before turning back to the door to the building.

"White management team families," father says to the girl stood at the door. She looks absolutely terrifying as she's undressing Cian, Jackson and me in her mind. "Hey, eyes front. I'm talking to you, not them. They all have mates which any of them are not you." The girl's eyes widen as she looks at father, what he said before probably just sinking in. Cian looks across at me and smirks. I roll my eyes in response.

"Pass-phrase, sir?" She asks nervously.

"A baseball bat will be shoved so far up your ass your dentist will remove it." The smirk in his voice is obvious and I'm trying not to laugh.

"That's not the phrase, sir."

"I know it's not the phrase but I'll appreciate it a lot more if you're not eye-raping members of my pack. Am I clear?"

"Very, Alpha White, sir, although I can't see through your body."

"Good. Otherwise, your head will be bobbing in a pond."

"That's the phrase, sir."

"Thank you." Father stalks past her fear stricken figure, Orison, Rachel, Tolkien, Ella, Alcott and Karine following behind him. Cian, Jackson and I remain in place with grins on our faces.

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