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15.4 - Rising Complications Between Them
~ Niall ~

"What?" Ethan says coming into the kitchen and standing in front of Robyn, also watching her eyes. Robyn rolls her eyes before shifting them to normal. "Holy shit." He straightens slightly and goes into the hall. "Gerard! I thought you said the doctors said her left eye wouldn't ever change!"

"What?!" Gerard yells back.

"Her left eye shifts!"

"That's bull shit!"

"I just fucking watched, there are dark grey flecks in wolf form!"

Dark grey flecks? This isn't good.

I look up and meet Indigo's eyes from across the rooms. "Puis-je vous parler rapidement s'il vous plaît?" I ask Indigo. Can I talk to you quickly, please?

"Why do you need to talk to Indigo?" Robyn asks.

"It's nothing major."

"Go to my office," father offers so I step into the hallway, going towards his office. Indigo follows behind me, curious on what I'm thinking about. As soon as she shuts the door she gives me a look that says spill.

"Do your wolf eyes have flecks of Trix's coat?" I ask.

"Yeah, they have dark brown in, barely noticeable," Indigo replies. "I don't get what this has to do with what just happened."

"The flecks in her blue eye are dark grey."


"How stupid are you?"

"I'm offended by that." I shift into my wolf form in the clearing of my father's office. Indigo stares at me with wide eyes. "Oh, OH!"

I shift back to human form. "Yeah oh."

"How many people have that grey in their fur?"

"Only me around here."

"Holy shit."


~ Robyn ~

I sigh as Gerard makes me shift my eyes again. "I swear to the Moon Goddess, I'm going to shift completely in a minute," I complain.

"This shouldn't be happening," Gerard mutters staring at me in disbelief. He looks at Lee with a slight frown on his face. "Cette coloration se produit uniquement avec les âmes appariés, droite?" What the fuck does that mean? (This coloration occurs only with the souls matched, right?)

"Il a toujours fait," Lee replies. What? (It always has been.) Ethan somehow understands what they are saying though as his eyes widen. Maybe I should learn French more often than a sentence every two months.

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