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19.2 - Is It Magic?

~ Robyn ~

"Why do you all of a sudden give a shit?" Ethan yells. I look round back towards my house. The curious eyes burn into the back of my head as my eyes scan the scenery. "You always do this and it's always to me!"

I scramble to my feet, glancing at the others. "You guys continue the patrol. I need to check something," I state before turning round as Tash shifts and breaks off from the group, trotting the patrol path. "The three of you stop watching her ass." The trio of wolves look at me in surprise. "Come on, you really think I missed the looks everyone gave me as I walked in front of the stand after a week of joining?" They all look away, suddenly finding the surrounding trees interesting. "I'll catch up later."

Just as I am about to run, Niall grabs my arm. "What is it? I haven't seen you worried in ages," Niall whispers.

I hear a crash making my head snap towards my house. "Ethan's upset about something. He's yelling and sharing the sound with me," I mutter.

"Shit." Niall turns to his team. "Break off, one of you. Or Adam can just go with Tash. Maeve shouldn't have stuck them together at the party." Cian snickers in his wolf form before him and Jackson follow after Adam and Tash. "Come on."

I shift forms, sprinting towards mine, Fleck's form passing me in about twenty seconds. Well, shit, he's fast. I speed up, however, Niall is already stood in the open door of my house I share with Ethan. Stopping beside him, I notice the relative normal hallway.

"How blind can you fucking be? She slept with Cian as she thought she had a chance but she doesn't. She's a manipulative evil bitch yet you would rather hang around her than me?" Ethan yells out from a spare room.

Niall shuts the door and I shift to human form. "I have to agree with him," Niall mutters.

"I need to think!" Darre slings back.

"That's never good, could be dangerous," Niall murmurs. I bite back my giggle, padding towards the room.

"She only wants one thing and I'll be left to pick up the fucking pieces. That's all I ever do for you. Pick up the pieces of shit that get thrown your way. All you do is push my face into it without thanking me! As for your behaviour the past week, do you really think it's good to make a fucking Alpha male jealous, you thick prick? You're fucking lucky you aren't dead in a freaking ditch! I don't know how he held himself back as I was certainly close to flipping," Ethan states.

"It is a little feeling called heartbreak. Dampens your senses, hearing goes to a light ringing in your ears, eyes go misty and unfocused. Body goes kind of numb. You go into a state of shock. Trust me, been there done that plenty of times. Try having your mum mauled apart with a knife in front of you and then losing your father on the same day. Trust me when I say growing up wasn't easy. Try imagining losing both of your parents from them being murdered, then having the one person who's meant to unconditionally love you say that they need to think about it. Have them say that they need space when all you want is comfort from someone who isn't mourning in the same way. You see I went up and helped both of them out up on that stage, yet you were too busy hiding in the crowd avoiding Indigo's, Tash's and Trix's stares telling you to help too. I noticed, trust me. Besides, you really think you would be able to calm him down after telling him that morning to give you space? Not going to happen," Niall says walking into the room.

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