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16 - Dreams Compared To Reality~ Third person ~

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16 - Dreams Compared To Reality
~ Third person ~

*1 week later (May 2018)*

Laughter fills the air as Indigo, Malia, Quincy, Robyn and Trix sit by the side of the pool, their feet hanging into the water.

Niall watches in the threshold of the building before looking at the tan Brazilian girl beside him. "Do you want to go and say hi or are you just going to stand here?" Niall whispers causing Robyn's head to turn slightly at his voice.

"Are you sure she wants to see me?" The Brazilian replies cautiously and quietly.

"Mal misses you, trust me. Even though her, Ethan and Ro are close, she still misses you like hell. She's even become a younger sister to most of us here."


"Just go before I throw you into the pool over their heads."

"Someone obviously hasn't got laid."

"Actually, I have."

The girl rolls her eyes before stepping out. "Hey, Lia, I thought you were going to call?" The girl asks in a mock angry voice.

Malia turns round quickly and scrambles to her feet, a mark on her collarbone showing briefly beneath the yellow locks. "Fern! What are you doing here?" Malia asks, crushing her friend into a hug.

"I thought I'll come down and say hi. Plus, to see the local scenery, the one at Reef is getting tedious. No one for me there."

"How is Jac doing?" Indigo asks looking around at Fern.

"Never thought to ask me? Rude," Jackson says while pushing Indigo in the pool.

Indigo screams before landing in the water, surfacing as coughs wrack her body. "Asshole!" She yells between coughs as she pulls herself out with the hand Jackson offers and pulls him into the pool at the same time.

Jackson just surfaces in the pool laughing. "You really thought only Fern would come down? Honestly, Niall, do they really think that little of you now?"

Niall smirks as the girls look round at him.

"You organised this?" Indigo asks.

"It was simple really. All I had to do was ask Blair nicely, and then when he didn't stop being a selfish ass, I bribed him with the fact you still want to tear Wilson an asshole in his throat," Niall states.

"Oh, that was funny, Wilson literally ran and fell off the cliff into the water like you were stood round the corner waiting to do it," Jackson comments.

Fern bursts into laughter. "His face was brilliant. Have you still got that photo you took before he ran?" Fern asks.

Jackson gets out the pool and dries himself off. Niall throws him his phone and Jackson looks through it. "See. That's when he heard it." Jackson shows Indigo the picture making his twin laugh. "Speaking of twins, where is the specimen you call your twin, Rob?"

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