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7.4 - It Happens Because Of Her...

~ Robyn ~

I stand with Adam, Cian, Darre, Ethan, Gerard, Jackson, Lee, Niall, Orison, Stephen, Tolkien (Stephen's dad) and Trix watching the training. Trix's nose is constantly twitching as she looks over the group trying to figure out something.

"You okay, T?" I ask in our mind-link.

Trix's eyes don't move from the clearing. "Mate," she replies simply.

I smile before folding my arms as I go back to looking over my pack in their fights. My pack have made me proud today.

My eyes latch onto several wolves for multiple reasons: Fraser from my pack due to the rich orange running through his blonde fur; a dark grey wolf with vivid red splashing his fur; and a mud brown wolf with a vibrant violet streaking her fur.

I tug Ethan aside away from the group. "Look at Fraser's fur," I whisper.

Ethan looks at me strangely before looking at Fraser in his training fight. "Yeah, it's got orange running through it," Ethan replies in the same tone as me.

"Then look at that one," I point out the wolf with red running through his fur.

"He's got red going through his fur."

"That one." I point out the female wolf with the violet in her fur.

"She's got purple."

"It's actually violet." The said wolf flicks her ear in our direction but doesn't give any other indication that she heard. "What colour have I got in my fur?"


"And that gives you?"

"A crazy sister and two-thirds of the rainbow..." Ethan looks out at the group again. "Two-thirds of the rainbow in wolf fur..."

Lee looks across at us and he seems to have noticed who we pointed out. "Have you seen anything you like, Alpha Rob?" Lee asks beckoning us back over.

I glance at Ethan before we head back over. "I noticed something. That's Fraser," I say as I point him out.

"What am I looking at?"

"Fur colour."

"Blonde with orange."

"Then that wolf." I point out the wolf with red through his fur.

"That's Xever. Dark grey with red."

"Then that one." I point out the female wolf with violet in her fur.

"Indigo. Brown with purple."

"It's actually violet. And then my fur." I shift forms into my wolf.

"Light brown with blue..." Lee looks at the group again. "Holy shit."

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