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17.4 - Her Scent

~ Niall ~

I come home to an empty garage and empty house until I sense Alcott in the lounge. "I know your kids, should I be scared about your presence?" I ask jokingly making Alcott laugh. His black hair and amber eyes are an odd combination for a wolf but it makes him even more memorable.

"I just have to make sure you shower before you go to the party. It's not like you stink, what's Di trying to suggest?" Alcott replies with fake disgust. "Very good job on the suit by the way. I think you'll be the best dressed there."

"Thanks. Didn't take me long once I had the idea of the edges."

"Just go and shower before Di kills me for not doing my job."

I laugh as I exit the room, heading towards my own room as the television blares.

When I step out of the shower, I dry myself off, wrapping my towel around my waist. I dry my hair off with the hair dryer, running a comb through it after. Quietly I pad into my wardrobe, picking out plain black boxers instead of the cartoon ones I have been wearing. Instead, I pick out black socks with a Toothless outline in blue and his green eyes on in compensation. I put them on before turning round to look at my suit.

The black trousers, at first sight, look normal until you look closer to spot the lighter thread running a swirl pattern through the fabric up the sides. It should be easier to see under the lights at the party. The blazer is mostly white, black being used for the edging piping detail. On the back is a random pattern of black swirls going upwards to signify how I rose from the darkness. An off-white shirt sits beneath the blazer, helping with the balance of the contrasting tones.

Looking at the time I sigh, having thirty minutes or so to kill before I have to get changed completely.


~ Robyn ~

I look in the mirror and smile, my hair feeling lighter as it falls to the middle of my back. "Do you reckon Gerard will kill me for this?" I ask glancing at Maeve as we start walking.

"I can't believe you're just worried about Gerard. Wait until Ethan, Trix, Indigo and Fraser see your hair," Maeve says as we exit the pack house and head towards my house.

I groan quietly, pushing my hair back with a hand. "Great." I frown spotting Gerard come out of the front of my house and he looks at us in confusion. "Where are you going?"

"What are you doing here?" Gerard replies instead.

"Rob asked if I could pick her up as she wasn't feeling great," Maeve says as I wrap my arms around my waist. She mind-links him the rest of the explanation as his eyes soften.

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