Author's Note

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Hey guys! Ali here,

If you have read my other story on here, this is going to be different from that one.

I've never read the Twilight saga, I couldn't get into the first book (please don't scream at me), but I'm going to try my hand at a werewolf story idea I had!

Please, enjoy reading this, it is a full story, and as you guessed from it saying PawPrints series book one, I'm going to be writing more that follow the two packs I introduced to you in the description.

Just a small warning, adult language will be present. Sorry if you take offence to that, but some characters let their anger out in words rather than actions. And a teeny bit of sensitive issues in today's society, if you do suffer with anything I put in, there are places to help you; don't keep it under wraps like Niall, werewolves can take hits like that easily, humans can't so protect yourself.

* will represent a new day, I'll try to put in a time scale which characters keep referring too. Although they say they don't keep track, but they honestly do.

~ will represent a change in viewpoint. This story goes between Robyn and Niall so whenever you see a ~ I will include the viewpoint I'm changing to as well in case you lose track. Third person is used a couple of times, I think in the end it was three times.

+ will represent a flashback to a part of the story that had already gone past or will be of an event outside of the story I.e. something from a character's past.

- will represent a scene change to save confusion as sometimes I do random jumps (oops) to a new scene out of nowhere.

I have split the chapters down into parts so it makes them easier to read!

This previous cover is thanks to WhackyWattyWoman I absolutely love it, thank you very much for it!!

This previous cover is thanks to WhackyWattyWoman I absolutely love it, thank you very much for it!!

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The current and rest of the covers this story has had have been done by me.

This story is entered into 2017's gifted awards.

So, please, enjoy! Remember to vote and comment if you're enjoying what I write.

Completed - 11/02/2016: edited completely - 20/04/2016; 26/07/17


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