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11.2 - Removing Them

~ Robyn ~

A small smile plays on my lips as I open my eyes expecting to see the sea again but instead met with dark grey walls and too many empty bottles. Instead of Niall's warm embrace, a cold embrace wraps itself around my wrists.

Instantly I'm alert, looking around the room for any sign of Oliver or Uilleam. However, I just find empty bottles upon empty bottles.

That must have been what the angry guy was smashing like Hulk would on a rampage.

Now that is a good series of films. My OTP is now Romanoff and Banner. I don't care how flirty Romanoff and Rogers were in Captain America: the Winter Soldier, Ramnor all the way after Age of Ultron. Ramnor, where the hell did I get that from. This wolf's bane really whacked out my system.

"Oh, look, she's finally awake," Oliver comments from the door that just opened.

"How are you this cheerful in the mornings?" I growl out.

"I'm usually not. But I just had some excellent news from lurking at the packs." My growl tears through the room causing Oliver to flinch slightly which I smirk at. "Oh, I wouldn't smirk like that. No one is looking for you anymore. They're just continuing on as normal." My thrashing stops and the room becomes a dead silence. "Yeah, you heard me right, they aren't looking." He snaps his fingers causing a projection to appear on the wall to my close left.

At first, it just shows Darre, Ethan and Trix sat discussing homework by the looks of it as they turn pages of a book. When I watch it carefully I notice that their movements are repetitive every so often. That's odd, it's rare they repeat things. They don't take a subject together either.

Next is just a clip of Niall's room, it seems like the clip was filmed from the tree outside his room. He's sat typing at his laptop, occasionally glancing away from it.

"Isn't it illegal for cameras to be in bedrooms?" I ask.

"It's in the tree outside so no," Uilleam replies from somewhere but I don't bother looking, his seaweed scent tells me he's hovering close to Oliver. Feeling safe around each other, don't get one without the other, definitely mates. Definitely getting Uilleam first.

"Yeah, but the film focuses on the inside of a bedroom, I'm pretty sure that is illegal."

"Not if we're private detectives."

"What does this actually prove?"

On the tape, Niall disappears to the other side, possibly to his wardrobe before laying on his bed watching the window as if he's waiting for something. In his eyes are regret and anger. What could that be about? His door inches open and Jackson comes in joining Niall on his bed while talking to him. Niall turns back over to face the window with sadness and failure etched across all of his features. They did look; he wouldn't look like that otherwise, would he?

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