Chapter 33

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|Justin's P.O.V.|

"If any of you hear anything from Delgado or anyone else, you ring me." I spoke standing up from the table. They all nodded murmuring a chorus of agreement.

"Are you going home now?" Kyle asked me as he walked along side me.

"Yeah" "Alright well I'll see you tomorrow" he bro hugged me and left in the elevator. I yawned walking over to my office and opened the door seeing Luke sat on a chair on his phone whilst Sierra sat on the couch, her gaze out of the window.

I went over and placed my hand on her shoulder, she all of a sudden flinched and looked up seeing it was me she looked as if she sighed in relief.

"It's just me sweetheart," I chuckled leaning down and kissing her lips softly. I turned around seeing Luke now off his phone "Hey man, you can go home now. Thanks again, I owe you" I told him, he smiled nodding and standing up.

He left the office leaving me and Sierra, sitting down next to her she turned around to face me. "Tomorrow, if you want, you can come to the office with me or stay at home, I need Luke with me tomorrow to discuss some things so he won't be able to be at home with you" I told her tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.

"So he's not gonna be with me at home?" She asked, seeming as though someone had offered her a million dollars.

"Do you not want him there?" "Um, no he's fine, I was just asking" she answered, her tone of voice changing.

I slowly nodded "Sweetheart, is there anything you are keeping from me?" I questioned tilting my head to the side. She shook her head "No, nothing" she leaned forwards and pressed her lips against mine, I slowly kissed back pulling her to straddle my lap, she kept her mouth closed but gasped when I squeezed her ass causing her to open her mouth for me. Classic and easiest move.

"let's go home, I'm starving" I groaned running a hand through my hair as I stood up pulling her up with me. As we walked ahead the phone started ringing, "Wait outside babe, I'll be right out." I told her. She nodded and left the office to stand outside.

I went over and picked up the phone, "Bieber Industries," I answered with a sigh.

"Is this Justin Bieber" "It is, who's speaking?" I asked, not recognising the voice.

"Hello Justin," the person chuckled, my eyes darkened instantly and I bawled my fist up as I realised who it was.

"Delgado" I said with gritted teeth as he chuckled again.


"What the fuck do you want? Thinking your brave to be calling me directly. Tired of sending your little minions to get me scared?" I asked glaring in to nowhere.

"Now now now Justin, we both no you can't get to me from where I am, so why don't you just stop the search and give up, accept defeat" I rolled my eyes sitting down in the chair.

"Defeat? Bitch you haven't even physically attacked yet." I chuckled knowing it'd piss him off. "I suppose you think this is funny because no action has been taken yet, am I right?"

"What do you want Delgado?" I sighed wanting to never hear his pussy ass voice again.

"Everything you own. Your money, your house, your company, your girl" I looked up glaring at the door in front of me, bawling my fist up I felt my blood boil. "Listen you little pussy. You won't ever, I mean Ever come near my girl. You wanna fuck with me? Fuck with me. But remember Delgado, I know you, and I know your weaknesses, your emotions and you. You play with fire, I'll make sure you get burned"

I slammed the phone down and stood up, texting Za track the call that just came from this phone knowing he'd be able to do it. I walked out of the office angrily closing and locking the door.

Turning around I saw Sierra standing near the elevator, "Come on" I muttered pulling her in to the elevator.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked me in a whisper as the doors closed, the elevator began moving.

"Nothing, you aren't staying at home tomorrow, not by yourself your not" I told her as the doors opened we walked out.

"But Justin I-" "Don't argue with me Sierra, I'm gonna send Luke to stay with you, he won't mind." I said pulling her along with me and out of the building. Going over to my car, I opened the door for her and she got in without any further questions, I drove home.

"I'll be up in a minute" I told her sending her upstairs I went around and made sure all the doors were locked before texting Luke to come over tomorrow.

I went in to my office to make sure everything was locked up but my eyes stopped at the cabinet, it was slightly open and I specifically remember not even opening the drawer.

Closing it I left the office and locked the door walking in to the bedroom to see Sierra coming out of the closet. "Sierra, did you go in to my office today?" I asked her staring in to her eyes, I knew when she lied.

She frowned shaking her head "No I-" "If I find out your lying Sierra..." She sighed "I'm not, I didn't go in your office, I promise" she said but I believed her, but why would it be open, I know I didn't go in it.

"Alright, go to sleep" I said to her, she didn't say anything and laid down in the bed, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before taking my clothes off, I left the bathroom. Taking off my watch and chain I got in to the bed checking my phone I turned around, "Are you mad at me?" Sierra asked looking at me with sadness.

I sighed pulling her close to me "No kitten, I'm not" I said to her kissing her forehead. She wrapped her arm around me and Nuzzled her face in to my neck where she placed a kiss.

Without another word, I pulled the covers up and held her close before turning off the lamp and going to sleep.

King |Justin Bieber|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang