Oh My Waters

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4 months later
I'm currently 8 months pregnant and my bump is extremely large. Eliza is healthy and due anytime soon. I don't want to jinx anything yet but I really have a strong hope for her, she's my miracle. Our miracle. Ollie Walks out the bathroom showering me in hugs and kisses. Today we're going to Blackpool beach, I suggested it as long as Ollie drives. Eliza makes it very difficult to sit behind a wheel.
I neatly fold up the blankets and pack up the sandwiches. Sandwiches for Ollie seen as I've gone completely of bread since being pregnant.
Ollie stands adjusting my neatly folded blankets as if I haven't done them correctly. I laugh and pull them of him shoving them into the bag.
Everything is going good for us, we're stronger than we've ever been. We argue but of course that's expected when you have a wife who is bipolar and heavily pregnant with a bunch of different hormones. I thought being pregnant would affect my bipolar seen as I can't take my tablets but to be fair I've been ok. Every now and then I've needed calming down a little bit but other than that's I'm completely in control. It's because of Ollie, because I'm so happy with him. Happiest I've ever been.

I sit in the car adjusting my seatbelt over my bump and smiling at Ollie as he climbs in. He reaches over and helps putting the buckle in. It feels so tight and uncomfortable, if it was up to Eliza I'd be wearing no clothes and struggling to do anything. Still I put up with it, I'm just happy to be carrying a child at 8 months. It's a huge relief.
I'm excited about today, something different. I smile at Ollie watching him start the car. Perfect little bubble of happiness.
I turn on the radio and listen to heart. I like all radio channels expect classical. Ollie has a strong hatred for heart that's why I play it, simply to wind him up.
'Zosia.. Seriously?'
I turn to look at him.
He changes the station.
'Ollie..' I change it back.
'If You wasn't pregnant i would happily push you out this car.'
I laugh.
'No you wouldn't.' I grin.
'And why not?'
'Because you love me too much.'
He smiles, taking my hand and squeezing it. I always get my own way when in the car, Eliza is a good excuse for anything which I've noticed over the last few months. I took my maternity of work yesterday, I left it late. I like work, being pregnant and working isn't a problem for me, just Ollie worries something could happen if I get too emotionally attached of a patient case. I often do get attached, I like to care for them not just treat them, I'm not Jac Naylor.
I look out the window and drift of into  daydream.

1hours later
I sit bouncing in the car, some reason we have ended up on the bumpiest road imaginable. It wouldn't be as bad if I didn't need a pee.
'If you'd of listened to me, we would be there by now.'
I sarcastically smile, I swear he doesn't know where the hell he is going. Useless me trying to tell him, he won't listen.
'Zosia, I know what I'm doing.' He remains focused on the road.
'No you don't.'
'I have you know, I've taken this route before.'
'Where in your dreams?' I laugh, he maintains a straight face. He knows I know he's a terrible driver with as much sense as a five year old.
I continue to focus on trying to hold in my pee. If the road would just smoothen out id be fine but as I can see the road looks miles long until the large bridge.
'We will get there.' He mutters.
'No we won't because you went past the turning ten minutes Ago.'
He grunts.
'Zosia, this is the turning.' I can hear him getting more frustrated.
'No is isn't.' I look out the window at the empty fields passing us by.
'This was a useless idea.' He mutters.
'Hold up, why?' I raise my voice.
'Well for one ''you don't know where you going Ollie'' he puts on a voice mimicking me.
'Because you don't.' I restate.
'And for two, I didn't even want to do this!' He snaps.
'Oh ok Ollie so when I asked to go you didn't say yes did you not?'
Why does he have to be so irritant, he always does this when he's wrong. Tries to turn the conversation on me.
'I felt pressure to..' I grit my teeth.
'Alright I see.'
Silence fills the car.
'Zosia?' I sit my arms folded, he wants to be annoying fine by me.
'Let's go home then shall we?'
I point back in the direction we came, he glances at me before looking back at the road. We make it onto the bridge the bumpiness stops.
'Don't be like that.'
'What? You don't want to be here, maybe I don't now.' I smirk to myself.
'Of course I want to be here.'
He smiles at me.
'Didn't say that a minute ago...'
He rolls his eyes.
'Why are you so stubborn?
I laugh.
'Me stubborn. Ha, you're the one who took months to admit feelings for me.'
Shouldn't of said that. Oops.
'Oh wow, we're bringing up all of this are we Zosia-'
'Ollie just leave it lets go-' Ollie looks at me taking his eye of the wheel, I see the car heading towards the barrier of the bridge.
'OLLIE' I shout as the car flips sending us straight over the edge of the bridge, the water comes crashing towards us. I grab Ollie's hand and close my eyes.

I shoot my eyes open. I'm in bed. It was a dream. Suddenly pain hits my stomach. I look down.
'Ollie!!' I grab Ollie's arm waking him frantically.
'What Zosh?' He sits up.
'My waters have broke..'

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now