White Teeth Of Intimidation

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Zosia's POV
I stand in my bedroom listening to Dom, Arthur and Ollie talking about me...

Ollie's POV
'She needs help.' I look up at Arthur with a concerned glare.
'What I mean is I think she needs to see a psychiatrist.' I don't talk just stare at the coffee table.
'Diggers..we know how she reacts to things like that.'
'Dom! She's not stable.' I watch them bickering.
'She can't help having bipolar Arthur.'
'No. But thats exactly why she needs to be seen too.' Dom rolls his eyes.
'Well I'm voting against the idea.'
'Ollie?' Arthur looks at me.
I raise from the chair.
'Look, I only care about Zosia. You two stop arguing over this, she's the main focus. Her and her Health.' I sit back down.
'So is this a yes?'
'I just think we need to work out what's best for Zosia.'

Zosia's POV
psychiatrist, I don't need one. I'm fine. I've had my fair share of them in my life, even dated one...
I continue to listen to them bickering, that's it I've had enough.
'Stop all of you!' I look directly at Ollie, he doesn't look at me.
'I don't need a psych!'
'Zosh you need help..' I cut Arthur off
'No, I don't, I think I'll know don't you?' Ollie slowly turns joining his eyes with mine.
Dom walks over to me.
'Zosia, I did say you didn't.'
'Dom stop. This isn't about being the favourite anymore, I don't care what you said... Any of you!' Ollie breaks eye contact with me and looks away.
'Zosia we just.'
'NO!' I yell, Dom steps back from me as well as Arthur. Ollie continues to look away from me.
'I am in control, I don't need it.. I don't.' I look away from Ollie and at the door.
'Who are you trying to convince?'
'Just all of you back off.' I grab my jacket and storm out of the flat, walking outside and dropping to the curb. Of course I'm fine. I don't need help.

Ollie's POV
We sit in the flat in silence, I slowly spin round to see Dom and Arthur staring at me.
'Go talk to her...' They both say in sync as though it's rehearsed.
'What makes you think she'll listen to me?' I slowly stand up.
'Because she loves you more than anything.' I nod, grabbing my jacket and exit the flat.
I stop by the entrance, Zosia sits on the curb. I just want her to know I'm here for her and just her.

Zosia's POV
Ollie sits beside me. I don't move.
'I'm here for you.' I still don't look at him.
'You wasn't in there.. Did you utter a word?'
'That's because I respect your decision.' I laugh.
'No, no that's because you know exactly what you want me to do.' I slowly look at him, he looks at me calmly making me more annoyed.
'My opinion doesn't matter.'
I look at his face, my harsh exterior failing.
'Your opinion matters more than anyone's.' He half smiles.
'I'm not going to tell you what to do.'
I can't be mad at him, I love him.
'Ok, tell me what you think I should do?'
He grabs my hand.
'I think, you should see a psychiatrist.'
'Then I will.' I smile.
'Why is my opinion so important to you?' I look into his baby blue eyes gleaming as the sun hits them.
'Because you're right. I'm not sane, I can't sleep at night Ollie...i want.. My voices want me to do things.' He pulls me to him. I fall comfortably into his embrace.
'I'll book you an appointment.' He kisses my forehead. I sit up.
'I want you to be there.'
'When I'm with you, I'm me. The voices stop, I'm not scared. You make me who I am Ollie.' A tear glades over my cheek.
'I will be with you every step.' He slowly pulls me back to him. I could stay in his arms forever allowing the world to tick by, nothing would matter, as long as I had him I'd be happy.

'Hello Zosia, I'd say nice to see you again be after the circumstances...'
I sit glaring at the psychiatrist. I sarcastically smile. I don't know what it is, but whenever I'm around them I build up walls.. I lie, I fear who I am.
'Can you tell me what's causing the relapse?' She smiles through her pearl white teeth of intimidation.
'I..' I look at Ollie and smile. 'I was taken and had a knife..held to my..' I begin to clam up, my eyes swelling. 'A knife held to my throat...I can't sleep.'
Ollie reaches across the table grabbing my hand. His reassurance makes it easier to be here, calms my bipolar.
'Are your nightmares consistent?' She glides straight over what I've just said as if it doesn't matter. I hate her, I hate this... I look at Ollie, I love him.
'Are they the same?' She leans intimidatingly on the table. This angers me, I grab the empty plastic cup and crush it in my left hand. Ollie's squeezes my right causing me to realise what I'm doing, I let go. Whenever my bipolar happens it's like a black cloud that makes me unaware of what I'm doing.
'Yes.' I look out the window of the second floored building, all the people going about there normal day lives and I'm in here because I was a victim.
'Zosia.' I unclench my fist, not realising I was doing it.
'Have you stop taking your pills?'
I look at Ollie, he smiles. I cough, choke rather.
'Can you get me a drink?'
Ollie gets up and dashes out of the room, I stop fake choking and look back at the psychiatrist.
'She told me to.'
'My mother.'
'Are you seeing her again?'
'What is she saying to you?'
'That if I don't take the pills I'll be able to see her.' I smile.
Ollie re-enter with a glass of water, I sit back looking away from the psych.
'So your pills?' I look at Ollie.
'I'm taking them.' I don't want him to know, I don't want him to think I'm stupid and leave me...
I don't want him to stop loving me.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang