"With You Always"

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A few hours later.
Ollie's POV
Me and Zosia are still in the box room waiting for the psychiatrist to return. Zosia's looking out the window humming away to herself. I smile, I'm glad she's not here alone. I slowly get up and walk to her side.
'How are you feeling?' She slowly looks away from the window, her emerald eyes meet mine.
'I'm ok.' She steps towards me, I wrap my arms around her and hug her. I hate to see her this way. She's my rock, what do I do when she starts to crumble?
The door opens and the psychiatrist enters. She smiles at me.
'Mr Valentine, can I have a word?'
I nod and slip out of Zosia's grip. I kiss her head and leave the room.
'Yes what is it?'
'I've spoken to my peers and..well we don't think she's in control.' I predicted this was going to happen.
'I understand that.'
'After monitoring her today and based of what she's told me, I think it's best she is taken to one of our centres.'
I remember the last time she went to one, after her father was in AAU. It was the hardest time for both of us.
'For how long?'
'It depends how long she takes to learn to control again..' I nod

5 minutes later
I stand at the door, looking at Zosia though the small glass window. I told the psychiatrist I'd tell Zosia, it will be easier that way. I reach into my pocket and pull out the two rings, maybe one day we'll have a normal life but for now, I'm happy that she's mine.
I drop them back into my pocket and slowly push open the door.

Zosia's POV
Ollie enters and sits across from me. I carefully scoop all the torn pieces of plastic cup and drop them into the bin by the wall before re-sitting.
'I saw this really nice place on the way here, I thought on the way home we could have a walk down there..'
'And maybe look at the stars and.'
'Even just going home would do.'
'They're sending you to a centre.' I stop, it's hit me. I repeat his word in my head, over and over. I slowly look up at him. He grabs my hands.
'Do you think I should go?'
'Yes.' My eyes fill, I just want a normal life, it that too much to ask...
'I know that you're not taking your pills.'
I look at him.
'I see her, I'll be sitting down and she's there and I talk to her...' I smile.
'Your mother?' I nod.
'I know it's hard to accept.'
'She's proud of me.. And she likes you.'
'But Zosia...' I cut him off.
'When I'm alone, she's there.. When..'
'Zosia!' He squeezes my hands snapping me out of it. I look into his eyes.
'I know its hard, trust me. But she's not there, she's gone Zosia...she's just in your mind.'
Tears stream from my eyes.
'But is so real she's so real, stop lying to me.' I get up from the table and hit the wall in frustration. He rushes to my side grabbing my arm stopping me hitting the wall again, I turn to face him falling into his arms and sobbing.
'I know she's not here..' I look up at him, he talks my hand and sits me back down.
'I don't want to go.' I continue to cry.
'You have to babe.'
'But I.. I need you.' I'm nothing without Ollie, I'm weak and vulnerable. He runs his fingertips over my fingers.
'And I need you too..but I need you better and the only way that is going to happen, is if you go.'
I cry more...I've been down this road before, losing him to my bipolar.
'I'm scared..'
'Hey, no you're not.' I grip his hand.
'What if I can't control it..'
He goes silent for a second before getting up and kneeling beside me holding my face.
'Zosia March, you can. I've never met someone in my entire life who is a strong and determined as you.' I half smile.
'Ollie, I'm only that way because of you.' Tears continue to fall like and endless stream.
'Baby, you can do this.'
'But I need you there with me...'
'I can't.'
I drop my head and weep, silence fills the room. After a few moments I lift my head. Ollie pulls of his bracelet and hold it out to me.
'This was my sisters, she gave it me a few days before she died.. She told me that even at times she couldn't be with me, she still would by this bracelet.'
He talks my arm and begins facing it.
'I can't take this..'
'I want you to have it.'
I smile and run my finger over the silver writing engraved
"With you always"
I look up at Ollie.
'Now, when ever you need me. Im here.' He taps the bracelet.
I slowly look up and into his eyes. I leap forward, wrapping my arms around him and squeezing him tight.
Sobbing. A goodbye hug.
I step back and Stroke my hand down his smooth face. I slowly presses my lips against his. He returns.
No distance can kill my love for him.
The door opens and the psychiatrist enters.
'Zosia, it's time.' I nod and look back at Ollie. Kissing him again. I pull back and walk over to the door.
I stop and turn back to him.
'I love you.'
'I love you too.' Those words hit my ears sending my heart fluttering like the first time we met, he's stayed by me even though I've stopped taking my pills. He loves me for me. I'm suddenly filled with hope, I can pull through this. I look at the bracelet.
"With you always" I smile at him and slowly leave the room.

Ollie's POV
I look around the now empty room. I crouch and sob a little.
I get up and grab my jacket.
Till I see her again.

A Little Hospital Ward ( A Zollie story ) #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now